Ambrohexal for inhalations

Cough is a defensive reaction against viruses and microbes. With the help of a cough, the bronchi are cleared of mucus, and thus the disease recedes much more quickly.

When there is a cold and cough, it means that the disease develops with complication, - first appears dry, and then a wet cough.

Any mucolytic drugs, to which Ambrohexal belongs, are intended to treat the phase of a wet cough. If the medicine is taken during a period of dry cough, it will only lead to a complication of the disease in the form of an increase in seizures.

Ambrohexal for inhalations - instructions

First, we will study the composition of the drug. Amroghexal contains ambroxol hydrochloride - this substance promotes the dilution of sputum, stimulation of receptors, and thus simultaneously facilitates coughing and shortens the attack time. When the bronchi are cleansed of mucus, the cough stops.

Ambroghexal, getting into the body, is quickly absorbed by the digestive tract, and its bioavailability is about 80%.

Ambrohexal is available in several forms:

Indications for use Ambrohexal:

Contraindications to the use of Ambrohexal:

How to use Ambrohexal for inhalations?

Before the inhalation, make sure that the cause of the cough is not allergies, but viruses or bacteria. Against an allergic cough you should use other medicines.

Inhalations during colds are very effective, because the vapors of the substance contact the site of inflammation and the location of the bacteria.

Steam procedures contribute to warming up, which creates an unfavorable environment for bacteria and viruses, and thus they receive damage simultaneously from two positions - on the one hand, there is heat treatment, and on the other hand, vapors affect tissues and help to sputum and reduce the likelihood of the spread of bacteria and viruses.

During the inhalation you need to monitor the temperature of the solution - it should not burn the throat and bronchi. Also, arrange inhalation at a time so that there is no need to visit the street and breathe the cold air. If this is not taken into account, complications are likely.

How to grow Ambrohexal for inhalations?

The dosage of Ambrohexal for inhalations is 3 ml, which corresponds to 60 drops of the solution.

Before diluting Ambrohexal for inhalations, read the instructions of the nebulizer - in many models the manufacturer notes that the amount of liquid corresponding to less than 8 ml reduces the effectiveness of inhalation.

In this case, the proportion of inhalation with Ambroheksalom determines the instruction of the drug - no more than 60 drops of the solution should be diluted with a physiological solution - 5 ml.

How to do inhalation with Ambroghexal?

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Solution for inhalation Ambrohexal should be diluted with saline solution (sodium chloride) in the nebulizer tank.
  2. Do not forget to treat the device to relieve it of settled bacteria.
  3. Do not inhale until half an hour after ingestion. And after the inhalation, do not eat for an hour.
  4. Breathe deeply and evenly, holding your breath for a few seconds and then exhaling through your nose.
  5. Before the procedure, do not take mucolytic drugs, so as not to provoke a cough reflex during inhalation.