Warts on the hands - causes and treatment by pharmacy and folk remedies

Warts on the hands, the causes and treatment of which has been studied quite well, are a serious cosmetic defect. They not only look unpleasant, but they can interfere with daily life. Bumps are able to arise throughout the body, but as statistics show, limbs because of them suffer in most cases.

Warts on the hands - reasons

The disease affects the skin and mucous membranes. Warts on the hands, causes and treatment of them, medicine is actively studying. The researchers managed to find out that there is an ailment due to the human papillomavirus . The latter lives in almost every organism, but manifests itself only when the immune system weakens and can not give a pathogenic microorganism a worthy rebuff.

Why do warts appear on the hands? Mainly because limbs are the most traumatized and most often other parts of the body are in contact with potential carriers of the virus. The HPV is transmitted as follows:

What does a wart on my arm look like?

As a rule, warts on the hands, the causes and treatment of which are described in the article, look like dense formations, slightly elevating above the epidermis surface. The diameter of the tubercles varies from 0.1 to 1 cm. The color of the formations differs little from the shade of healthy skin. Convexities are also single, but in most cases they are formed by groups.

The main types of warts look like this:

Common wart

By appearance resembles a hardened rigid bubble. Its height does not exceed 0.5 cm. The tubercles are grayish or brown in color. A wart on the finger and the back of the hand can be formed. In most cases, ordinary or as they are called - vulgar - education is found in young people. Near the main - the mother - a bubble often appear "babes".

Flat warts

These spots are round or irregular in shape. In addition to the back of the hand, they hit the face, chest area, shoulders. Flat warts on the hands are painted in a light brown color, but as a rule, the hue of tubercles from a healthy epidermis is not different. Formations slightly rise above the skin - only a couple of millimeters and sometimes cause unpleasant sensations.

Wart Spike

It is considered a variety of ordinary formations. Palmar-plantar warts on the arms and legs appear. Outwardly they look like small spines that rise above the skin. Their structure is dense. Spines can be painful and almost always cause discomfort. When the top layer peels off the wart, black dots are seen on the surface.

Star keratoma

These warts on the hands of the cause and treatment are different from other species. The fact is that such formations are seborrheic keratosis growths. In the initial stages, the keratomas are similar to spots that eventually transform into growths with seborrheic scales on the surface. When dry particles disappear, papilliform growths remain on the skin. Like other types of warts on the hands, senile keratomas are benign.

Warts on the hands - treatment at home

Knowing the causes of the wart on your hands, and its treatment can be discussed. Therapy is not required the most difficult, but it is not recommended to prescribe medication yourself. Before you get rid of warts, you need to consult a specialist. The doctor will select the most appropriate therapeutic regimens. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of problems:

  1. Because of improper and inept treatment, scars and burns can form on the skin.
  2. Incorrect therapy sometimes leads to the spread of the virus to healthy parts of the epidermis.
  3. Although the risk of transformation of the wart into a malignant formation is small, it is desirable to conduct a histological examination before removing it, and this can be done with the help of professionals.

How can a doctor help get rid of warts? There are several main types of drugs that effectively cope with the virus and the consequences of its activities:

  1. Antiviral drugs. There are in the form of ointments or tablets and affect the problem from the inside.
  2. Necrotizing. Preparations that destroy the build-up due to toxic effects on its cells.
  3. Immunostimulating. Such drugs contribute to the development of interferon and the activation of immunity.
  4. Keratolic. Medications that destroy the cells of education.

The wart on the finger can disappear and under the influence of non-traditional medicine. Effectively help onions and garlic. To turn the products into medicines, they must be marinated in vinegar for a couple of hours, and then tied to a sore spot. If you do not want to walk with a plate of onion or garlic, you can simply treat the tubercle with the juice that is most actively excreted in the place of the fresh cut. As a good alternative to these fragrant medicines, you can use raw potatoes.

Ointment from warts

To pick up a good ointment from warts on hands it will be possible from such list:

  1. Salicylic. It is one of the most popular and effective anti-inflammatory and anesthetic agents. Apply this ointment only to the affected areas every day 1 to 2 times. A slight burning sensation when using this remedy is normal.
  2. Panavir. A drug that perfectly knows how to treat warts. In medical practice, it is widely used. The course of treatment with Panavir is at least two weeks. Ointment is easy and does not leave oily traces on the skin.
  3. Oxolinic. Has a strong antiviral effect. The main active substance in it does not allow the division of the virus. Apply the ointment twice a day - three times a day. It can also be used on mucous membranes. The length of the course of treatment depends on the degree of infection.
  4. Wartox. The drug includes urea and glycerin. These components soften the tissue of the wart, and the latter dies. With the help of Vartoks from the formations you can get rid in a short time. For maximum effectiveness, the drug should be left in the affected area at night.

Cauterization of warts

This procedure can be carried out at home using special solutions. A good remedy for warts can be found in this list of drugs:

  1. Verrukacide. Suitable for removing small growths. One treatment is enough to achieve a positive result.
  2. Iodine. Using it, warts are cauterized 1-2 times a day for 7-10 days.
  3. Ferezol. It is applied pointwise and once, but if the growth is large, several treatments may be required. The active substances of the solution cauterize the formations and disinfect the skin around.
  4. Collomac. The drug is based on salicylic acid . Apply it on the wart you need a drop of 1 - 2 per day for 3 - 4 days. The treatment course should not last longer than a week.
  5. Celandine. Bright orange juice of the plant has long been famous for its cauterizing properties. Purity of warts is applied 3 - 4 times a day. Such treatment can last up to 14 days.

How quickly to get rid of warts on hands?

Dermatologists offer several ways to deal with outgrowths. Here's how to remove the wart quickly and efficiently:

Although surgical intervention is an effective method of treatment, of all the methods described above, it is considered less popular. The fact that the procedure for removing the wart turns painful - therefore, it is carried out under local anesthesia, and after it the patient has to endure a long rehabilitation period. In addition, in the postoperative wound infection can penetrate more likely.

Removal of warts with liquid nitrogen

A modern technique that allows you to get rid of formations due to cryogenic technology. Removing warts with nitrogen has many advantages. The main one is the possibility of an exact impact. Nitrogen falls only on diseased tissues, a healthy epidermis remains untouched. A procedure is prescribed when:

Laser Wart Removal

A painless procedure, which is very popular today. Before removing the wart, no preparatory measures are required. To remove a small education, a single treatment is sufficient. In rare cases, a course of treatment is prescribed. Since the laser beam does not touch the surface of the skin, rehabilitation after the procedure is not required.