Grog - recipe

Homeland of the hot alcoholic beverage Grog is the United Kingdom. In the distant eighteenth century, the first to use this drink began the sailors of the Royal Navy. In those days, as a preventive measure against many infectious diseases, in particular from scurvy, seamen used rum daily. The daily rate for one crew member was about 250 grams. Naturally, this led to drunkenness and serious problems with discipline. Therefore, according to the order of Navy Commander Edward Vernon, the sailors began to dilute the sailors with water. At first, this innovation caused a lot of discontent, as the daily volume of the drink did not increase, and the amount of alcohol became less nearly half there. Nevertheless, over time this drink has taken root and has received the name "grog" - this was the nickname of Edward Vernon. In the everyday life of sailors, Grog drink, also, was called "rum on three waters".

This, it would seem, a strange rule of daily consumption of alcohol among sailors, was abolished only in 1970. Over the years, the Grog has succeeded in gaining popularity on many continents. Cocktails based on rum began to cook in expensive restaurants, and at home. The recipe for grog has been changed many times, new ingredients have been added to the drink and today you can try grog at most restaurants and bars.

Alcoholic beverage Grog is used hot. Along with rum, it includes carnation, lemon and other spices. In this regard, the grog, like mulled wine, has earned a reputation as a reliable remedy for the common cold. Many recipes of rum cocktails are still used as a preventive measure against various diseases.

Preparing grog at home is quite simple. All the necessary ingredients can be easily purchased in any supermarket. Below are the most popular recipes, how to cook grog.

The recipe for cooking grog "Silter" (grog common)



Water should be heated on fire, pour rum into it, add honey and, constantly stirring, bring to a hot state (do not boil!). After that, add lemon juice to the hot drink, stir well and pour into glasses. Grog is ready!

Recipe for grog "Aromatic"



Water put on a fire and bring to a boil. After that, tea and all spices should be added to the water. At the end of the hot drink should be poured 1 bottle of rum. A few moments before the cocktail boils, it must be immediately removed from the fire and densely to cover with a lid. After 15-20 minutes, the fragrant grog is ready for use!

The recipe for grog-brandy



Cognac should be heated and dissolved in sugar. After that, the drink should be poured rum and lemon juice, mix everything well and, not leading to a boil, pour into glasses.

Grog-brandy is one of the most popular strong cocktails based on cognac in many countries.

Knowing how to cook grog at home, you will provide yourself with a reliable remedy for colds and an excellent drink for warming at any time of the year.