Implantation of teeth - contraindications and possible complications

A torn tooth and an illusory lumen in its place in the jaw long ago ceased to be a problem. Modern technologies allow solving even the most complicated problems. Therefore, replacing a real tooth with an artificial one is now easy. But it is important to understand that this procedure is not so simple. And knowing the main contraindications to the implantation of teeth, possible complications of it can easily be avoided. By the way, there are a lot of the latter, too. That's why you only need to trust your health to an experienced specialist.

Possible complications after implantation of teeth on the lower and upper jaw

The principle of this procedure is quite simple. A special design is installed on the site of the patient with the removed tooth. It consists of two parts: a metal element and the outer part - directly of an artificial tooth. Since the pin is implanted in the jawbone, this procedure can become stress for the body. That is why most often implantation occurs in two stages, separated by a rather impressive period of time. But sometimes there is no possibility to wait, and the operation is carried out simultaneously.

What is most interesting, regardless of the type of implantation of the teeth, complications appear almost identical:

  1. Immediately after implantation of the implant, the gums can bleed. This phenomenon is considered quite normal. Compliance with hygiene will quickly solve the problem. But sometimes bleeding from day to day not only does not pass, but also become stronger. Most likely, this indicates a damage to the vessel.
  2. Do not be surprised and the appearance of pain. Within a couple of days it should pass. If the pain does not disappear, you can suspect the development of the inflammatory process.
  3. A known complication after implantation of teeth is reimplantitis. The problem is accompanied by bleeding, pain and tumor formation. Developing ailment is very rare and only in the event that time does not take measures and cure inflammation.
  4. One of the most terrible possible consequences of implant implantation is its rejection. This happens rarely, because the material of construction - an inert substance - into the bone grows simply. In general, the reasons for this problem are in non-professionalism and neglect of contra-indications.
  5. Warn before the operation and about such a possible complication after implantation of the upper and lower teeth, as the divergence of the sutures. In good clinics, strong threads are used that securely hold the wound. And yet in the first few days, you need to inspect the seams. The discrepancy may begin either due to inflammation or as a result of mechanical damage.
  6. The latter factors can also cause temperature. Although, in principle, after any operations on the jaw, heat is normal.

Contraindications to one-stage and two-stage implantation of teeth

Despite a lot of advantages, not all procedures are suitable for implantation. The main contraindications to its conduct are:

Ignoring these contraindications, with bone grafting and implantation of the teeth, prepare to face complications.