Cracked heels - what to do?

With the problem, when the heels crack, about a third of men and women of different ages face. This unpleasant phenomenon causes a lot of hassle and inconvenience. Cracks on the heels often get an infection, which can lead to the development of the inflammatory process. In addition, the cracked heels look extremely unaesthetic. In this article, we will talk about the reasons why heels crack, and what to do to get rid of this problem.

Why do the heels on the legs crack?

Dermatologists identify a number of causes that lead to the appearance of cracks on the heels:

What to do when the heels crack?

Most people who have cracked skin on their heels, in the first place, tend to get rid of the cracks themselves, and not from the cause that causes them. This is a normal and natural desire, but we should not forget that without eliminating the cause of the appearance of cracks, this problem will come back again and again. Therefore, before getting rid of cracks on the heels, dermatologists recommend checking for any factors that may influence their subsequent appearance.

  1. Pharmaceutical means against cracks on the heels. For today in any drugstore it is possible to get ointment, gel or a cream from cracks on heels. Pharmacists guarantee that after 7-10 days of applying the cream, the problem will disappear. In order to strengthen the effect of the means from cracks on the heels, the legs should first be steamed in hot water and rubbed with pumice stone or a hard brush. This procedure allows you to remove keratinized skin particles. After this procedure, the cream enters the deep layers of the skin, and has a stronger healing effect. Ointment from cracks on the heels is recommended to apply twice a day - in the morning and at bedtime.
  2. Folk remedies for cracks on the heels. Legs can be steamed in potato broth and apply to the cracked warm mashed potatoes. These folk remedies are effective when the heels of the feet crack and allow to get rid of the problem within 5-7 days. Home ointment from cracks can be prepared from petroleum jelly and leaves of a golden mustache. To do this, the leaves of this plant must be crushed and mixed with Vaseline in a ratio of 2: 3. Store the ointment should be in the refrigerator, and use 2 times a day.

In addition to the above means, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, to abandon synthetic pantyhose and socks, tight and unnatural footwear. Legs should not sweat, and skin on the heels - injured. Also, you need to monitor food - increase the number of daily used vitamins, in particular, vitamin A. When the heels crack, treatment should be comprehensive. Only in this case it is possible to eradicate the problem and forget about it.