Watering the lawn

Proper watering of the lawn is one of the main important conditions for its creation and keeping the grass dense, green and juicy. Rains and groundwater can not sufficiently provide a lawn and other green plantings with water in the hot season, so it must be provided with full-fledged irrigation.

How to properly water the lawn?

This is in principle a simple matter, but requires certain skills and the implementation of certain rules. Consider the main ones:

  1. Watering time. The best time to moisten the soil is early morning, with the sun rising. In this case, to the onset of heat, the grass and soil surface will dry. Let's also water the lawn in the evening, but in this case there is a risk of fungal lesions. Therefore, evening irrigation is possible only during the hot season. Strictly forbidden watering the grass at noon: the bright sun, penetrating through water droplets, creating an intensifying optical effect of lenses, can cause burns and cause irreparable harm to the lawn.
  2. Amount of water. Humidify the lawn is necessary to a sufficient extent, but categorically you can not allow the appearance of puddles and, consequently, rotting roots. The optimum amount of water is simple: the soil must be moist at a depth of 15 to 20 cm.
  3. The frequency of irrigation is regulated by the need for moisture and air temperature. Usually it is every 2-3 days in the hot season and every 5-7 days on cool days.

Lawn watering systems

A sufficient minimum of what is needed for watering the lawn is access to water supply (running water or rainwater tanks) and the irrigation system created. The main determining factor for choosing the optimal system for watering a lawn is its area. Watering lawn with their own hands is possible, of course, only with its small area, and in this case irrigation takes a lot of time and physical effort. Care of the lawn by hand has another significant drawback: in the absence of the owners, the lawn, devoid of watering, will quickly die.

All these drawbacks are deprived of a modern automatic lawn irrigation system, which allows performing the entire irrigation process without human intervention according to the schedule established by the program. Such automatic system perfectly copes with care of green plantings, carrying out humidifying of a lawn in favorable time, with necessary frequency and in the necessary volume.