Diplanning - home care

This beautiful plant is known for its large flowers and shiny leaves. In the wild, it grows in the mountains of hot Central and South Africa, being a plant of the genus lian. Dipple flowers can have a red, pink, yellow or white hue. The leaves of a healthy plant are dense and shiny.

In order for a flower to grow well and make you happy with beautiful flowers, a special care is needed for diplazing at home.

Care of the plant room diplazing

If you have a question about why your dipladies do not bloom, be aware that the answer may lie in the wrong choice of location. Dipladings or, as it is also called Mandevilla, love the sun, but it is advisable not to place it under direct sunlight. Also, the plant likes moist air and regular spraying. An ideal place for him can be a glassed-in flower display case. As an option - put the pot with a dip in the pot with wet moss or peat. The flower develops well at room temperature in summer and at cooler (12-15 ° C) air in winter, during the rest period.

Room liana is demanding for watering: in the hot season it should be watered 2-3 times a week. This is necessary for normal flowering and growth of diplaposition. The flower takes a lot of water, so the top layer of the soil dries quickly. In autumn and winter it should be watered less often, about once a week, and simultaneously it is necessary to monitor the humidity. It is impossible to allow a plant to lose leaves because of insufficient watering. But at the same time, the soil for diplapation can not be waterlogged.

An important aspect of flower care is the fertilization. This should be done every two weeks during the flowering period, from March to August.

Reproduction of a room creeper

When reproducing dipladeniya, the method of propagation by cuttings during the whole year is applied, but it is best to do this in the early spring. To do this, cut a young shoot with two leaves under the knot, plant it in peat and cover with cellophane. In such a micro-glass at a temperature of about 25 ° C, the plant can take root within 30-40 days. During this time, they should be gently poured and ventilated. Then the diplapation should be transplanted into a separate pot. The liana grows fast enough and with competent care can bloom already in the first year.

Transplantation and trimming of dipland

Transplant the room vine, if its roots are already visible from the holes of the pot, or if it ceases to increase. In this case, you need to select a pot or tub larger, and transplant the plant into the prepared soil: a mixture of turf, peat, humus and sand in equal parts. Keep in mind that in the soil for young dipladents, you can increase the share of peat, and adults prefer turf land.

As for pruning, it is needed to give the plant a shape. Like any flowers, it is impossible to cut the diplapation during the flowering period: do this after the flowers fall (in autumn), or in the spring until the appearance of flowers. Old shoots cut completely, and new ones - for a certain length (5-7 cm). After this "haircut" your flower will grow smooth and neat.

Diseases and pests

Fancy diplapia can hurt both due to improper care at home, and as a result of insect damage.

For example, if your dip yellowing or falling leaves, check the flower for a spider mite - a popular pest of indoor flowers. Also, the flower can affect the mealybug . If you find that the roots are rotting, perhaps you are watering it too often and abundantly. Also, the disease can signal a poor quality or unsuitable soil composition.