Diseases of indoor plants

To your favorite plants are always pleased with bright juicy foliage and colorful flowers, you need to properly look after them. It is important to periodically inspect plants for pests. Diseases of indoor plants can be caused by improper irrigation or care regime, sometimes pests are to blame. Consider the main symptoms that you can find in your flowers and learn how to cope with these ailments.

In the house plants, the leaves turn yellow

The reasons for this ailment may be several:

  1. Yellowing as a natural process. When your plant begins to age, the lower leaves begin to fall off, turn yellow. In this case, you will not be able to do anything, just feed the flower with fertilizer and cut off all unnecessary.
  2. Too much moisture. Most often, indoor plants need moderate watering, in moderate humidity in the room. Before buying a particular flower, be sure to read about the proper care for it, then it will not be necessary to select the irrigation regime experimentally. If the problem already requires a solution, then urgently change the frequency of watering. As a rule, when a watering can is in hand, you want to water all the flowers on the windowsill. This approach is detrimental to flowers. It is worth noting that the cause of the fact that the plants grow yellow leaves, may be excessive dryness of the soil. So you will have to look for the golden mean.
  3. Screws. Tropical plants are particularly sensitive to sharp wind currents. For each flower, you need to find a cozy place where there are no drafts or direct sun rays.
  4. Overabundance or lack of sunlight. If the plant has turned yellow in those places where the shadow is constantly, this is a sure sign of lack of light.

Diseases and pests of indoor plants

The cause of the disease is often pests or other microorganisms. Consider the most common pests in houseplants and the diseases they cause:

  1. Sticky leaves of indoor plants. This can be a sign of the defeat of aphids. Cope with this problem can be through insecticides. Very well recommended drugs "Phytoferm" and "Aktaru."
  2. Spider mite. The color of the mite can be red, brown or pale gray. Anyway, he's tiny, sometimes it's impossible to notice him at all. As a rule, he settles on the bottom of the sheet. You will in time begin to notice the accumulation of small spider webs and dust in the places of the leaf where the corners form streaks. This parasite loves all plants without exception, especially it is found on ficuses, palms, cacti. Use preparations "Vertimek", "Nurell-D", "Mavrik".
  3. Whitefly. Small insect, has a yellowish tinge. Larvae, like adult insects, suck the juice from the plant. As a result, the flower leaves become discolored, begin to turn yellow, at the end they can dry and fall off. The most terrible thing is that an insect can become a carrier of viruses.
  4. Shield. Shielding is a disease of indoor plants, caused by the pest of the same name, affects almost all species. Propagated by eggs, which almost completely cover the entire plant. When the disease has just begun, the scutellum is still young, you can fight by spraying. For a more neglected case, the method of manually combing the outgrowths will do. Then rinse the leaves and branches with a solution of the drug "Vertimeka."

Black leaves are at the house plants

This problem is most often reported in the cold season. When the air is too dry, this disease of houseplants is almost always found. And even the most caring floriculturist such a problem is not so rare. Especially it concerns owners of tropical plants, for example, dracenes. Every day, sprinkle the flowers with water, it is not superfluous to buy the simplest model of air humidifier.