Watermelon Wine

There are many recipes for making home-made wine. How to make watermelon wine at home, we'll tell you now.

Watermelon wine at home



Watermelon carefully washing, cut into small pieces. Remove the green peel, bones. We only need the red sweet part of the watermelon. Grind the pulp. This can be done with a mincer or blender. In the resulting mass we add grapes, we put the mass in a container, the neck of which is covered with gauze. For several days we put it away in a warm place. It is necessary to wait until the wort well wanders. It should sizzle, and foam will appear on the surface. Then add half the sugar and mix well. We pour the mass into a large container, we install a hydraulic seal. We place the container in a warm room. After 3 days, pour the rest of the sugar. When the water seal stops bubbling water, the fermentation process is over. The wine will become lighter, and a layer of sediment will appear on the bottom of the container. We merge the drink from the sediment, and then leave it to ripen. For this, bottles should be placed in a cool place.

Watermelon in Watermelon



Watermelon carefully washing, in a large syringe, we collect vodka and with its help we introduce liquid into the watermelon, piercing it in different places. We put the watermelon in cool water, which should completely cover it. Day after 3 it will become soft. We merge the water, and the watermelon is rolled or cut so that the juice flows from it. The received drink is poured into bottles. Wine from watermelon juice should be stored in a cool place.

Aromatic watermelon wine - recipe



For the preparation of wine you need to choose watermelons only sweet varieties. Watermelon, cut the cuticle, remove the bones, and the pulp mash. Place the pulp and sugar in a container. By the way, the amount of sugar can be adjusted independently, depending on how much a sweet product you want to get as a result. In order for the fermentation process to go faster, we add a drop of ammonia to the container. On the neck of the container we put on the rubber glove, making a puncture with a needle in one finger or we install a hydraulic seal. When the fermentation stops, the wine is filtered and bottled for storage.