Wax Moth Extract - Therapeutic Properties

A wax moth (a bee's beaver) is known as a night butterfly of a family of fires. It feeds on the products of the life of bees and causes serious damage to the development of beekeeping. At the same time, an extract of wax moth larvae is known, which is used for medicinal purposes. Not everyone knows about this drug today, but even in ancient civilizations the medicinal properties of the golden butterfly larva were well known, but only the chosen ones used them.

Studies conducted with the wax moth preparation revealed its anti-tuberculosis properties, which were used to create a vaccine against this terrible disease.

Structure of the preparation

The wax moth extract has medicinal properties that allow it to be used in the treatment of various diseases, based on its chemical composition.

As part of the extract found a number of useful elements for the human body. Among them:

  1. Fatty acids needed for our body.
  2. Microelements that enhance the healing properties of the extract.
  3. Amino acids, interchangeable and irreplaceable.

Application of the drug

  1. Wax moth extract has been used in the treatment of diseases associated with metabolic disorders in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, in particular, ischemia, as well as atherosclerosis and to lower blood pressure.
  2. The useful properties of the drug in the treatment of prostate adenoma were found.
  3. In addition, the use of the drug can release the body from toxins and toxins, as well as heavy metals.
  4. The drug can be prepared on its own and used to strengthen immunity, heart, with gastrointestinal diseases, and also as a preventive remedy for respiratory-viral diseases.

How to prepare wax moth extract?

To do this, the larvae of this insect are put in a dark jar or bottle and poured 70% with alcohol. Withstand in a warm dark place for ten days (the ratio of larvae and alcohol 1:10). Strain and use as recommended.