Bee pollen - properties and application

Bees produce many useful products, unique in their composition and properties. All of them have long been used by man for medical purposes, effectively coping even with serious diseases. One such product is bee pollen, collected by small toilers from flowering plants.

From ordinary pollen, which people get without the participation of bees, this product is different in that it is processed by enzymes of the salivary glands of bees. Thanks to this "allergenic pollen" is extinguished, it acquires new valuable qualities and lasts longer. Consider what are the beneficial properties of bee pollen and how to use it.

Useful properties of bee pollen

This most valuable product contains proteins, all essential amino acids, all the microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body, almost all vitamins. In addition, in the pollen of bees there are powerful antioxidant substances, hormone-like substances, phytoncides, enzymes. The chemical composition of bee pollen varies depending on where the bees collected it, from which plants, in what month. The following properties and beneficial effects are common for any type of bee pollen:

Method of application of bee pollen

AT For preventive purposes it is recommended to use pollen of bees three times a year by monthly courses (for example, in October, January and March or April). The daily dose is 12-15 g. Pollen should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach in a pure form, dissolving in the mouth, after which it is not necessary to drink or eat for half an hour. You can stir it before use with a little honey.

With the use of pollen for treatment, the dosage rises to 20-30 g per day. The treatment course can last approximately 2-4 weeks. The methods of using bee pollen for various diseases are somewhat different, so before starting treatment one should consult an experienced apitherapist.