Nitroammophoska - application

Nitroammophoska is a modern complex of mineral fertilizers, consisting of balanced proportions of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Externally is a medium-sized pinkish-white granules, packing from 1 to 50 kilograms. The composition of nitro ammophos allows to use this fertilizer for all crops without exception, as well as for foliar top dressing of domestic plants.

General information

Most often in the garden or in the country, nitroammophoska is used as the main preplant fertilizer. A balanced composition makes it relevant on any type of soil. Particularly well, this mineral complex is suitable for chernozem and serozem, this fertilizer is best applied to such types of soil by irrigation.

For heavy chernozem with a granulometric composition, it is more expedient to introduce nitroammophoska granules, preferably in the autumn. If the soil on your site is light, then it is best to introduce a complex fertilizer in early spring. At the moment, nitroammophosk produces a huge number of manufacturers. The balance of minerals in fertilizer from different suppliers can differ significantly, therefore, when buying nitroammophosco, be sure to read the instructions for use, as well as the norms of its introduction into the soil for foliar treatment in a diluted form. This is necessary due to the fact that in agricultural crops the requirements for potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen can differ significantly, and a large selection of presented mineral complexes on the shelves of specialized agrochemical shops is very large.

Norms of consumption and practical application

Equally important are the knowledge of how to apply nitroammophosco in the cultivation of different cultures. After all, with its help you can increase the yield of not only vegetables, but berries and fruits. The norms of its introduction in each specific case can differ substantially. For seedlings of all vegetables and for planting potatoes, according to established norms, about 20 grams of mineral fertilizer per square meter should be added. For sowing crops fertilizer will already need less, only 6-7 grams per square meter. Before planting seedlings of fruit trees, grape bushes, raspberries are once brought into the hole under the roots of the plant within 60-300 grams of the substance mixed with soil selected from the hole. For strawberries and garden strawberries, 40 grams of mineral mixture is superficially scattered. For raspberries, it will require a few more nitroammonfoski, one meter of row spacing should be given up to 50 grams of additional fertilizing.

Another fertilizer nitroammophoska has found wide application for foliar top dressing of indoor plants and flowers. For this, 10 liters of warm water are diluted 2-3 tablespoons with a slide of fertilizer, sprinkle with this solution leaves. This type of top dressing is especially effective at the early stages of plant development, the most favorable time for this is spring.

There is one more point that should be paid attention. Nitrofosca and nitroammofoska are not the same! These fertilizers have differences. Nitrofosca contains only two components - nitrogen and phosphorus, and nitroammophoska also has potassium, so the application rates of these two mineral complexes may differ significantly.

Pay attention, the nitroammophoska itself has no expiration date under proper storage conditions. Considering the fact that this fertilizer is used several times during the season for many years, it makes sense to buy large packages, and at the same time significantly save your own money.