How to remember the Pi number?

About the Pee man first learns in math lessons at school and then uses it during life extremely rarely. Many know that the Pi number is 3.14, but what figures go further - for many remains a mystery. There are many different techniques that can easily memorize long numeric codes, for example, not only the Pi number, but also telephone numbers, city codes, passwords, and so on.

How to remember the Pi number?

The Pi number is a mathematical constant that reflects the ratio of the circumference length to the length of the diameter. People from all countries set records to memorize the signs of the Pi number after the decimal point. For example, Ukrainian A. Slyusarchuk was able to remember 30 million numbers. This stunning result, he achieved through regular training. According to the records of the record holder, each person has the opportunity to achieve the same results, there would be a desire.

Ways how to remember the Pi number completely:

Method number 1 - Convenient structuring. This method of remembering the number of Pi on certain groups that have some kind of dependence or something is associated with this. Let's consider an example:

3, (14 and 15) (926 - operator code "Megaphone") (535) (89 and 79) (32 and 38 - the sum of these numbers is equal to 70), etc.

It is recommended to select groups that have a specific association, for example, the birthday of the mother, the date of the wedding, etc. It is important to use one option, so that there is no confusion.

Method number 2 - Use of rhyme. There are many different verses that allow you to remember the number of Pi, since the rhymed lines are learned by the brain easier than the numerical flow. Let's consider an example:

To us not to be mistaken,

It is necessary to read correctly:

Three, fourteen, fifteen,

Ninety-two and six.

Well and further it is necessary to know,

If we ask you -

It will be five, three, five,

Eight, nine, eight.

Method number 3 - The length of words in the phrase. Many experts consider this technique rather inconvenient, but at the same time it allows to obtain the desired result. The essence of this method is based on the fact that each digit of the number Pi is equal to the number of letters in words from which the sentence is formed. Consider the following examples:

What do I know about circles? (3.1415)

So I know the number, called Pi - Well done! (3,1415,926 - rounded)

Teach and know the number known as the figure, how luck to note! (3.14159265359)

Method number 4 - Grouping of numbers. Another technique, how to remember the number of Pi by one sentence, involves dividing into parts by four digits. To do this, write out the required number of digits after the decimal point, and then divide:

(3,141) (5926) (5358) (9793) (2384) (6264) (3383), etc.

To achieve good results, you need to start with small groups and gradually increase your score. Specialists recommend to start memorizing 4 groups of 4 digits each.

Method number 5 - Telephone numbers. Many people easily remember phone numbers, but it's difficult to master a complex sequence of numbers. Take a sheet of paper and write down on it the number Pi, but as a set of phone numbers. Let's consider an example:

Ekaterina (314) 159-2653, Anatoly (589) 793-2384, Svetlana (626) 433-8327, etc.

Try to study the number of Pi all the techniques considered and choose for yourself the option that you like and gives the result.