What does the weapon dream about?

Most often the weapon carries a negative, because it deprives life of it. This symbol can appear in many dreams and their interpretation directly depends on what you did with the weapon and how it looked.

What does the weapon dream about?

The dream in which you are trying to load a weapon is a good sign, which presages the successful completion of all existing cases and problems. If you see the machine, then you need to be alert, since you can be involved in an unpleasant situation. For a woman, a dream about weapons predicts numerous scandals, which will have a negative reflection on the reputation . If a lady is married, then she should prepare for problems in which other women will be mixed.

The dream in which you hold the weapon in your hands and at the same time stand in the ranks will tell you that in the near future you will face difficult work. At this time you can count on the help of like-minded people. If you keep a cold steel in your hands - this is a symbol of that in real life you are ready for serious and decisive action.

Seeing ancient weapons in a dream means that you can get back a long-term debt in real life, and this can mean an improvement in your material condition. A dream in which you kill someone from weapons will tell you that you can make a serious mistake if you do not carefully consider all your decisions.

To dream a broken weapon, then, soon you can get sick, and you will feel helpless. Another such dream can mean that all the scandals that exist, will end and the world will come.

Why dream of shooting a weapon in a dream?

Such a dream is a sign that you will quickly cope with your enemies, without any problems. Yet this dream can mean the onset of an unfavorable period in life. At this time, the risk of dismissal from work is increased, which will entail serious material problems.