The cat in the house - signs and beliefs

Since ancient times, people have endowed animals with different qualities, believed that they can tell where to be careful, and when you can not be afraid of anything. Especially many superstitions are associated with cats that have lived in our homes for several centuries. Of course, modern people no longer rely too much on the knowledge that lies in the signs and beliefs about cats in the house, but was it not in vain that we refused such hints?

Signs about cats in the house

Cats and cats in our ancestors were considered mystical creatures that can pass between the worlds, see the dead and drive away unhappiness. Therefore, having looked at the behavior of a pet, one can learn a lot about not only the situation in the dwelling, but also about what awaits us in the future.

According to the signs, if the cat is nailed to the house, it can be both a harbinger of unhappiness, and a message from the world of the dead. The first statement came to us from China, where other people's pets who came to the dwelling bring with them poverty and setbacks. But if you focus on the Slavic signs, then this phenomenon says that you want to contact the soul of a loved one, protect you from misfortune, to prevent trouble. Such cat or cat should be invited to the house and fed, and it will become for you a faithful assistant. The only warning, according to this superstition, sounds like this - you can not call a one-eyed black cat into the dwelling, it's a representative of the dark forces, and it can start to harm you. It is better to drive such an animal, but it is impossible to feed and call him into the house.

According to another note, if the cat herself came to the house to a childless couple, then this is an omen of the fact that soon the woman will know about her pregnancy. The animal can not be chased, it is necessary to give it shelter, take care of it, and then it will protect the girl during the bearing of the child, and the baby itself after his birth. By the way, some people say that this belief often comes true, and the appearance of a cat in a childless family is a very good sign.

Kick the cat out of the house, if you look at the signs, a very bad sign. Together with the animal from life, luck, money, health and happiness will go away. In the event that the cat is lost, you need to do everything possible to find it by returning a pet, you can protect the house and yourself. In the event that you have found an animal, but the cat does not go into the house, and you do not understand why, the signs unequivocally say that the pet feels that the apartment has something negative. According to the beliefs, it is necessary to urgently clean the dwelling, carry out general cleaning, invite a priest to conduct a special rite, or at least sprinkle the apartment with holy water. Also, you need to be alert if the pet has become very nervous, especially if it happened right after the visit of a certain person. Negative, envy, desire to harm - all this cat feel very good, so their behavior can tell you who in your environment is ill-wishers and with whom it is better not to drive friendships and do not have cases. After the visit of such an acquaintance, sprinkle the walls of the apartment and the front door with holy water, this will help clear the space.

Another belief is that cats and cats can remove evil eye , damage and destroy diseases. Animals sleep next to a person and at this time normalize its biofield, remove the negative, help restore vital energy and strength, protect from nightmares. So if a cat or cat sleeps next to you, do not drive them, they just try to take care of you and your health.