Pork liver is good and bad

Pork liver is one of the most common offal, which carries not only benefits to the human body, but also some harm.

It is worth noting that the liver of a pig has a red-brown color. It has a pronounced taste and in comparison with calf is not so tender. When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to the fact that the liver has been cleared of lymph nodes, ducts, external blood vessels.

How is pork liver useful?

This treasure is useful for the body of amino acids. It contains vitamins such as K, A, E, Group B. Liver in the liver copper, calcium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, phosphorus and chromium. It contains a daily rate of cobalt, molybdenum and copper. Moreover, sometimes doctors advise those who suffer from anemia, include in their diet dishes from this product.

It should also be used by the younger generation, future mothers, people suffering from diabetes and atherosclerosis, as well as those who are addicted to smoking.

If we talk in more detail about the benefits of the liver, it can not only improve the protective functions of the body, but also maintain the natural level of hemoglobin in the blood. In this case, the byproduct improves the functioning of the kidneys.

In the event of injuries, burns or infection, he restores organs and tissues. This is an excellent preventive tool for the prevention of heart attacks. A useful property is the fact that lysine is contained in the pork liver, and this prevents the development of a heart attack, stroke. It is also important that if there is a shortage in the male body, potency may appear.

Methionine - one of the substances that supplement the chemical composition of the liver, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Not only the benefits, but also the harm of the pork liver

Enjoying appetizing dishes from the pig liver, it is worth remembering the harmfulness of purines. These organic substances contain a large amount of nitrogen. As a result of its disintegration, uric acid is formed. If his blood level exceeds the permissible norm, such a common disease as gout will appear.

In addition, the liver is quite high cholesterol , harmful to human blood vessels. Proceeding from this, it is not necessary to take a great interest in dishes from it more often than once a week.

With improper handling, it is likely that there will be a considerable amount of toxic substances in the purchased by-product.