What does the wedding ring on your finger dream about?

Every person has the opportunity to learn their future, and for this you do not need to go to the fortune-teller, it's enough to explain correctly the dream you saw at night. A wedding ring is considered a symbol of love, but depending on other details, you can get more information. It is important to consider how the decoration looked, what you did with it, etc. It is also recommended to compare the received information with the events taking place in life.

What does the wedding ring on your finger dream about?

Wedding rings foreshadow a pleasant pastime with close people. If the decoration was made of silver or another light metal, then it is worth preparing for various problems that can affect both the material and personal spheres. The dream, where it was necessary to remove the wedding ring, foreshadows the emergence of a serious quarrel with a loved one. For single people, such a story promises the emergence of problems in the financial sphere. If in a dream it was necessary to look for an engagement ring, then for people in pairs, this is a clear sign of a partner's bad attitude. A dream in which a person bought an engagement ring with stones, predicts a bright romance and beautiful courtship. If the purchase consisted of two rings, then soon a bachelor life will be put a cross.

Why does an unmarried woman dream of engagement rings?

Such an ornament can mean an intimate relationship with an interesting man. Such a plot can be a harbinger of a happy marriage. To receive a wedding ring from a man as a gift is a sign that he feels sincere feelings. One of the dream books, to which an unmarried girl dreams of an engagement ring on her finger, interprets, as an omen of meeting with an unfamiliar man, which can be dangerous. For a girl born in the winter, such a night vision is a harbinger of parting with a loved one.

Why does a married woman dream of an engagement ring?

Such a dream promises the resumption of a passionate relationship with the spouse. Still it can be a harbinger of replenishment in the family. If the ring was shiny and shone in the sun, then a woman can not be afraid of betrayals and any family problems. Night vision, where they stole an engagement ring, warns of a possible betrayal of her husband, and to avoid this, it is better to be more affectionate with your spouse.

What is the dream of a broken wedding ring?

Such a plot is a negative symbol, which promises the emergence of various problems. For people in a relationship such a story points to the unfaithfulness of the spouse. Another night vision, where the engagement ring breaks, predicts the emergence of problems in business. For people in marriage, this dream portends a serious illness of her husband.

Why dream of losing an engagement ring?

For single girls, such a dream is a bad sign, warning that because of the numerous gossip, the reputation can seriously suffer. That is why in the near future it is recommended to monitor your behavior and words. If the dreamer sees how the ring slips off his finger and falls to the ground - this is a negative sign, indicating the emergence of problems with close relatives and loved one.

Why dream of someone else's engagement ring?

To see an ornament on a finger of a friend or acquaintance means that there is a risk of losing credibility in the eyes of close people, and this will happen because of ill-considered actions. If a dreamer measures another's engagement ring - this is a symbol of interest in forbidden delights. Night vision, where managed to find someone else's decoration, means that in real life, the wrong choice was made.