How to make ice cream at home?

Everyone knows that buying ice cream in a store, we risk buying a completely unnatural product with a bunch of unpleasant impurities, which are especially harmful to the child's body. All the risks are reduced to nothing if you cook a delicacy at home in the kitchen from simple and affordable products. About how to do it right, our today's recipes.

How to make ice cream at home - a recipe from milk



Milk is combined in a saucepan with butter and placed on the stove, on the hotplate. After boiling, we remove the vessel temporarily from the fire. Mix the yolks with sugar and starch and rub them thoroughly until all the crystals are clarified and dissolved. Now we pour very little warm milk to the yolk mass to get the consistency of liquid sour cream and stir until homogeneous.

Now we again put the saucepan with milk and butter on the fire, pour a thin stream of yolks rubbed with sugar and stir the mass intensively at the same time. Let the mixture boil and put into a wide container with cold water for cooling. From time to time, we mix the base for ice cream and update the cold water. After cooling to room temperature, we pour the mass into ice cream molds or into a container and put it in the freezer for several hours. If one large container is used to freeze it, it is necessary to stir it periodically periodically to prevent the formation of large ice crystals.

How quickly and easily do home ice cream "Plombir"?



To prepare ice cream "Plombir" cream should be taken with a high percentage of fat and properly cool them beforehand. We mix now the ice product with sugar powder, add a pinch of vanillin and treat the mixture to a thick and lush foam with a mixer. After approximately five minutes of operation, we shift the resulting creamy mass into a container or other suitable container for freezing and place it in the freezer for seven hours. During this time, we split the contents of the mold a couple of times with a mixer.

How to make home ice cream "Fruit ice"?



Pour the sugar in a pan or a ladle, pour a little cleaned water and have a moderate fire. Warm the mass to dissolve all the crystals and boil, then remove from heat and leave to cool. During this time we prepare berries properly. We rinse them, sort them, crush them to a puree state with a blender and, if desired, grind them through a sieve to get rid of crusts and small seeds.

After cooling the syrup, pour it into the berry mass, add the lemon juice, mix and pour into small molds or one large form for ice cream. After a few hours of staying in the freezer, fruit ice will be ready.

How to make ice cream at home without cream with cottage cheese?



Preparing such an ice cream with a blender is very simple. Cottage cheese is first broken using this device to maximum uniformity on its own, and then with the addition of condensed boiled milk and a whole dairy product. The resulting mass is transferred into molds or one large container and placed in a freezer for six hours.