When to trim lilies after flowering?

Garden lily every year is becoming more popular, it can be found in virtually all household plots. Many of its varieties excel in our latitudes. It can not be said that the lily is an unpretentious plant. This is not the garden flower that can please your eyes, if you do not take care of it properly.

Lilies are very elegant flowers with a completely unpredictable character. You will look, at the neighbor on a site each new season beautiful stems are abundantly covered with aromatic flowers, and at you as to spite constantly are ill, badly bloom, and even refuse to do it and even sometimes freeze.

What is the problem, how can it be solved? And the thing is that you need to be able to take care of them and know how to properly cut lilies after flowering, when to dig them out and how to store the bulbs themselves.

Lilies in the winter period are stored bulbs, without stems, so many beginner growers have a question: when to cut lilies after flowering? This is a very correct question, since it is the correctness of the trimming of the stems that determines the fate of the plant. Let's try now to figure out whether it is necessary to trim the stems of lilies after flowering.

Is it possible to trim lilies after flowering?

Many flower growers as soon as their beautiful lilies bloom, immediately there is a crazy desire to take on the pruner and trim unattractive stems, as they begin to spoil their appearance the entire design of the flower garden. Is it necessary to trim the faded lilies? If you ask experienced florists, the answer is clear: no.

In order that your lilies after blossoming do not call your eyes with sticking green sticks, plant long-flowering plants to them, but in any case do not cut the stems immediately.

The fact is that the bulbs of the lily all season are stocked with nutrients that they will need in the winter, and the ground part is needed for photosynthesis. Therefore, if you trim the stems immediately after flowering, the bulb stops in growth and development and completely weakens by the winter. She can not grow herself to the right size without stems, which, even withering, give her the necessary useful substances. And even if the plant can survive, settle down, then surely next season it will not be able to please you with beautiful flowers.

After your beauties have faded, wait until the last lobes fall and cut the seed boxes from the stems. Stems, along with leaves, let them die naturally. This should happen before September. That's when you see that the stems are completely yellow and withered, then just go and boldly cut them. It is better if you podrezhete at an altitude of 10-15 cm from the ground.

If you have planned a lily transplant to another location or you want to dig a bulb for a wintering, you only need to do it 3-4 weeks after they have blossomed. But in this case, too, you can not trim leaves and stems. The ideal option, of course, to wait until late autumn. So at you on hands there will be well strengthened bulbs, and it is an excellent planting material. They will be able to transfer the transplant excellently and winter or survive if they are in the cellar until the next season.

And, finally, a little advice. If you are going to cut off your lilies for a bouquet (whatever one may say, but they are related to bouquet flowers), you should carefully select suitable plants for this. Stop your choice on those that have more than five buds. In such bushes the bulb is large, it has already reached a good size. But do not cut the stems under the root, let the bulb have the opportunity to recover.