What if the voice was lost?

The situation, when suddenly the voice for a cold has disappeared, is probably familiar to everyone. My husband went fishing with his friends on weekends, was caught in the rain, and here's the result. Or the disobedient children, while Mom turned away, measured the deepest puddle in the yard. And already in the morning they can not say a word. And we, mothers and wives, in the opinion of the household, are simply obliged to know what to do if the voice is gone. Well, let's talk today on this eternally topical topic.

Not a common cold, or why the voice disappears

But before deciding what to do, if the voice is gone, we need to understand the reasons for his disappearance. And believe me, the cold is not the only one of them, although the most frequent one.

A voice can also disappear for a perfectly healthy person if he has a lot to say for a long time. For example, remember teachers, saleswomen in the market and in the store, washerwomen, working among the noise of multi-kilogram washing machines and centrifuges. And how much load falls on the poor vocal chords of singers and readers acting on television and radio. Yes, and we, mothers and grandmothers, get a lot, until you achieve understanding and obedience from a restless child.

Another reason why the voice constantly disappears is the endocrine system. This is especially noticeable in people suffering from hypothermia. In the mornings they practically can not talk or speak in a husky, deaf voice. Then, during the day, this phenomenon passes, but, at least, until 10 am, it is very annoying.

There are other reasons that lead to the disappearance of the voice. For example, trauma to the vocal cords or congenital defects. But this is already more severe cases, in which simple home remedies will not do.

What if the voice was lost?

After establishing the reason, it's time to think about how to return the missing voice. And there are several possible solutions to this problem.

Folk remedies for loss of voice

The very first thing that comes to your mind, when a cold has disappeared voice - is to breathe over hot boiled potatoes. Cook it until ready, remove from heat, cover with a large towel and breathe potato steam. Then warm your chest and throat and Do not go outside for two hours. This grandfather's prescription saved not only the vocal cords from the most dashing cold.

The next effective remedy for laryngitis, that is, inflammation of the vocal cords, is an infusion of horseradish root. Take a piece of this very root the size of a hazelnut, grind and pour 100 grams of boiling water. When the medicine is infused, strain it, add a little honey or sugar and take 1 teaspoon every hour. The infusion, of course, should be quite warm. According to the medicine men this medicine is able to return the voice within 24 hours.

And, finally, the strategic weapon of singers, orators and artists is a decoction of anise seeds. For its preparation, half a glass of these seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove from heat, cool slightly, add half a glass of lime honey and boil again. After this, finally remove from heat and add a tablespoon of good cognac. All mix and take 1 tablespoon. every half hour.

There are many more wonderful recipes, how to return the missing voice. But, even armed with these, you are quite manageable.