Human papillomavirus - what is it, and how to treat HPV?

Many pathogens can be present in the body for a long time without giving themselves away. These include human papillomavirus. According to statistics, about 70% of the total population is infected with it, but many do not know about it and do not know how to treat human papillomavirus.

Human papillomavirus - what is it?

The human papillomavirus, or, as it is often called a physician, the HPV virus, is a group of pathogenic viruses that is spread all over the place. Scientists have identified more than 100 varieties of HPV types. At the same time, about 13 of all detected have increased carcinogenicity - provoke the development of cancers. The disease is quickly transmitted sexually, so the peak of infections is registered in girls and boys after entering into sexual relations.

It should be noted that many types of the HPV virus are present in the human body for a long time, without affecting its internal processes. They themselves disappear without medical intervention several months after infection. It was found that about 90% of all HPV itself disappears after 2 years. However, a small proportion of viral infections can lead to cancer, so timely diagnosis is of great importance in the fight against HPV.

Human papillomavirus - types

Depending on the morphological features, variants of the structure, the HPV virus is divided into many types. In this case, the ability of a certain type to degenerate into a cancerous tumor is important. Depending on this, HPV is divided into:

Is the human papillomavirus infection?

Infection in 90% of cases occurs with the contact of a healthy person with the carrier of the virus. The pathogen is present in body fluids, on the mucous membranes. HPV in men is not less common than in the fair sex, but more often has a latent flow. The immune system inhibits the development of the virus, so it does not develop and is present in the human body in an inactive state. With a weakening of protective forces, its activation occurs, a characteristic clinical picture arises that forces patients to consult a doctor.

How is the human papillomavirus transmitted?

In most cases, the transmission of the virus occurs during sexual intercourse. Because of this, the papillomavirus in women develops more often with the onset of an active sexual life. The use of mechanical contraception (condom) reduces the risk of infection, but does not completely exclude such possibility. Transmission of HPV can also occur in a vertical way - from a sick mother to a child during childbirth.

Much less often the virus of the papilloma is transmitted by the contact-household way. In most cases, this happens during the same sexual intercourse: with sexual caresses, contact with the mucous membranes of the carrier of the virus, HPV is transmitted to a healthy partner. As a result, the typical clinical manifestations of HPV can manifest themselves at the site of the introduction of the pathogen into the body (palms, fingers).

What is dangerous for HPV?

The most terrible consequence of HPV is the oncological process. Western scientists adhere to the theory that the papilloma virus can cause cancer of any localization. Directly this pathogenic virus causes dysplastic phenomena in the mucous membranes and epithelium, which act as the initial stage of the oncogenic process. Similar changes are characteristic for cervical cancer, which provokes 16 and 18 types - HPV of high oncogenic risk. In some cases, HPV is considered as a possible cause of secondary infertility in women.

Human papillomavirus in women

The human papilloma virus in women in gynecology is considered as the main cause of cervical cancer . This pathology is provoked mainly by 16 and 18 types of HPV. This process has a long course, is not accompanied by clinical manifestations, so it is difficult to diagnose it. In the normal state of the immune system from the introduction of the virus into the body before the development of cervical cancer can take 15-20 years. If a woman's immunity is weakened, the necessary therapy is not performed, there is a risk of developing a tumor in 5 years. Predisposing factors include:

Human papillomavirus in men

Telling, than dangerous VPCH for men, doctors do not lead cardinal differences from consequences of a pathology which arise at women. In representatives of the stronger sex, HPV also provokes cancer tumors of genital organs, mostly external. In addition, as a result of the presence of HPV in the body can occur oncological processes in other body systems. Papillomavirus in men provokes:

Human papillomavirus - symptoms

Once in the body, human papillomavirus may not be felt for 3-8 months - so long the incubation period lasts. In addition, in most cases, the viral infection is of a short-term nature and is resolved independently within 1-2 years, if during this time there is no re-infection. Of the main manifestations, symptoms, indicating that the human papilloma virus is present in the body, it is necessary to distinguish:

  1. Warts are small outgrowths on the surface of the skin. HPV 1-5, 10, 49 and 28 types are often provoked. Warts have a different structure and appearance and localization (flat, spines, vulgar warts).
  2. Pointed condylomas - outgrowths on the surface of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, in the anus, mouth, not the surface of the lips. Causes of HPV 6, 11, 18, 13, 16, 35, 31 types.
  3. Papillomas of the vocal cords - represent growths that cause a narrowing of the glottis. In some cases, they are detected in children infected from the mother during childbirth. Causes of HPV 11.
  4. Bovenoid papulosis - flat-shaped plaques resembling warts. Appear in the genital area, most often occur in men on the surface of the penis. Provoked 16, 31, 33, 42, 51, 48, 54, 51 types of HPV.

Human papillomavirus - diagnosis

The main analysis for human papillomavirus is PCR. The material for the study during its implementation are swabs taken from the mucous membranes of the vagina and cervix in women and from the mucosa of the penis in men. Among other methods of diagnosis of human papillomavirus:

  1. Digene-test is an innovative method, gaining increasing popularity in medicine. Used to determine the concentration of the virus, which can provoke pathology. Thanks to this method, doctors determine the degree of oncogenicity of viruses and the risk of developing cancer.
  2. Cytological examination - involves a microscopic analysis of a swab specimen from the genital organs, in which the state of cells is evaluated.
  3. Histological examination - analysis of a sample of tissue taken with a gynecological examination.

Human papillomavirus - treatment

In order to completely eliminate HPV from the body, treatment should begin with the first signs of the disease. It is difficult to do this, and often patients undergo several courses of therapy. To remove the papillomavirus from the body, both sex partners must undergo treatment, otherwise infection can occur repeatedly. In general, HPV therapy includes:

Preparations for papillomavirus

It should be noted right away that there is no universal medicine for papillomavirus, drugs should be selected individually. Treatment is complex, according to manifestations of pathology. The dosage of drugs is set by the doctor depending on the stage of the pathological process, the state of the patient's immune system. If the virus does not manifest itself in any way, you do not need to treat it. When HPV manifestations, the following groups of drugs are used:

In the complex treatment, photodynamic therapy is actively used. On the surface of the affected tissue, a special substance is applied which, under the action of light rays, releases active forms of oxygen. Immediately under their influence, the cells of the skin that are damaged by the virus are destroyed. This stimulates active regeneration and recovery processes.

Prevention of HPV

Telling how to treat HPV, it should be noted that its penetration into the body is easier to prevent. The main method of prevention is vaccination against human papillomavirus. Vaccines against HPV are effective, safe. The recommended age for their application is 11-13 years - the period of onset of puberty. If this was not done in time, you can get vaccinated later: women - up to 21 years, men - up to 26 years. Vaccination involves the administration of 3 doses of vaccine for 6 months.

To prevent infection, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. To pass preventive examinations at the gynecologist.
  2. Use contraceptives.
  3. Exclude casual sex.