Papillomas on the neck

Papillomas on the neck appear as a result of the action of the papillomatosis virus, which occurs in 90% of the world's population. But the papillomas do not appear to all of these people. Let's discuss in more detail the causes of their occurrence and the ways of treatment.

The causes of papillomas on the neck

If you have small papillomas on your neck, this is a signal that there have been some changes in the body. The reasons can be as follows:

Any of these factors is sufficient to reduce the body's resistance to the virus of papillomatosis. But to catch the virus is even easier. Most often, it is transmitted from mother to child during the passage of the birth canal. You can also get infected with a kiss, sexual contact, through common objects of everyday life.

Why do papillomas appear on the neck? The skin in this area is often subjected to mechanical influence of the collar, scarves, beads and chains, so from constant friction, one small papilloma provokes the spread of the virus to a neighboring skin area, new warts appear. The virus can be smashed even with a towel!

How to treat papillomas on the neck?

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to the treatment of papillomas, it is - strengthening immunity . All is true, since the provoking factor is the decrease in the body's resistance, a logical solution will be to increase this resistance. And then we make the biggest mistake!

If the papilloma has already appeared, it means that the body has actually failed in the immune system, but before starting the uncontrolled use of immunostimulating drugs, it is necessary to establish precisely the cause of this malfunction. After all, the mechanism of action for all drugs is different, using the wrong means, we run the risk of aggravating the situation. Therefore if speech first of all should go not about treatment by a papilloma on a neck, and about preventive measures. It is necessary:

  1. Plan the daily routine so that there is time for a full sleep.
  2. It is good to eat.
  3. Take multivitamin complexes in the spring-winter period.
  4. Maintain normal motor activity.
  5. Try not to injure the papilloma on the neck.
  6. Observe the hygienic standards.

How to remove papillomas on the neck?

Removal of papillomas on the neck should be carried out only if it is impossible to exclude the mechanical effect on neoplasms during washing, wearing clothes and other everyday moments. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing the number of papillomas and even the development of cancer.

If the papilloma interferes with you and irritates you in an aesthetic sense, you can eliminate it surgically. To date, the clinics carry out removal of liquid nitrogen, laser burning and excision with a scalpel. All these procedures are quite safe, easily tolerated and under local anesthesia.

In case it is necessary to remove one large neoplasm, the traditional method is preferable - the doctor will manually cut off the papilloma by hand. If you need to cope with a large number of small warts, it is wiser use cryotherapy or laser.

A qualified doctor will easily determine the optimal way to remove the papilloma, prescribe medication with the help of medications and suitable means that strengthen immunity for the purpose of prevention.

The main thing - do not cut and do not remove the papillomas yourself, so you can spread the virus through the lymph, or the skin, besides the risk of contamination of the blood. Do not also ignore the papilloma. Even if they do not cause you discomfort, their appearance is already an excuse to seek advice from a therapist.