The clock stopped - a sign

In our age of scientific knowledge and information technology, many people, oddly enough, continue to believe in signs. Who, for example, will calmly pass along the road that the black cat has just run across?

Signs about the clock

Most of the beliefs of our ancestors are now irrelevant, but some worry us so far. It is difficult to find a person who does not know that if the clock has stopped - this is a very bad omen . The clock, as a device for determining time, is energetically related to the lifetime of a person. If this time comes to an end, according to the belief, energy is released, which can destroy the clockwork.

But do not panic at once. Nothing in our world lasts forever, the quality of many products leaves much to be desired, and the clock can just break. First of all, this applies to electronic watches, in which the battery can simply "sit down". To worry is only when a mechanical clock breaks down.

In addition, if the master could not determine the reason for stopping the wristwatch, the sign may work - most likely, the owner of the clock is threatened with serious illness or other troubles.

If the watch has stopped on the hand, the sign warns that the person wearing them can die. In this case, you need to be very careful.

The clock stopped, and then went - a sign

This event indicates that the owner was in grave danger, but she safely passed. The breakdown of the clock can also mean that someone very much wishes the owner of evil.

When the wall clock stops, that trouble can wait for any member of the family or the house as a whole - for example, there can be a fire, flood, another natural disaster or some kind of massive disease.

What to do to a man who, according to a sign, stopped the clock in the house or on his hand? Sit with folded arms, and wait for trouble is utterly unbearable. It turns out that our ancestors for the removal of misfortune, conducted one simple ritual.

The stopped clock for a day was lowered into a vessel with clean cold water to break the energy connection of the magic device with the man and his house. After that, the clock was thrown out (by no means with bare hands!), And the water was poured away from home. They say that after such a ritual , troubles were avoided.

The best way out of the situation is the lack of faith in signs at all, tk. believing in them, the person himself programs himself on those or other events.