Child development in 1 month

From the first days after birth, the baby begins to adapt to new conditions for itself. Also at this time, mom and dad master the role of parents. The first months of the child's life are characterized by intensive development. The kid changes daily, and close, closely observing, can notice it.

Physiology of child development in 1 month

At this time the child's body suffers a number of interesting changes:

The digestive system of children adapts to a new diet. Breast milk is the best food for newborns. Therefore, it is so important for mothers to establish lactation. But even if the baby is breastfed, parents need to be prepared for the fact that discomfort in the intestines will periodically disturb the crumbs. Colic and bloating disturb most children at this age. It is important that the nursing mother correctly selects her diet and closely watches the child's reaction to the foods she uses.

In the first weeks the baby develops his own regime. Usually he needs to eat 6-7 times a day.

Motor and emotional development of the child in the first month

Although the newborn only lies, but some characteristics of behavior, characteristic for this age, you can already note:

During this period the baby sleeps a lot, and the intervals in which he is awake are short. Parents can try to use this time with advantage. Before feeding it is useful to spread crumbs on the tummy for the prevention of colic. Also, the newborn will be trained to keep lifting and keeping his head.

At this stage, tactile sensations are important for children. You should often iron the crumb, pick up.

Do not forget about water procedures. Most children like to swim. It soothes and helps the overall strengthening of the body.

Development of hearing in a child 1 month of life

During this period, the baby does not yet have the same hearing as an adult. Sometimes mothers even worry that the baby does not hear well. But actually the little one does not know how to listen carefully. In the power of parents to help a newborn develop a hearing. To do this, you just need to talk with the baby, sing songs, talk about nursery rhymes. The child will learn to distinguish between intonation, emotional tone of speech, timbre of voice. Children, with whom they speak much, have a command of speech before.

It is also useful not to loudly rattle near the baby's rattle, so that he learns to find the source of sound. Such exercises should not take much time. Enough is even 2 minutes.

Even for the development of the child of the first month of life it is useful to include classical music. According to the research, it positively affects and calms babies.

Development of the child 1-2 months is still characterized by the appearance, so-called, of the revitalization complex. This is a kind of reaction to the appearance in the field of vision of an adult. In such cases, the baby begins to actively move the handles and legs, smile, make sounds, drawing attention to themselves. This behavior is a good sign. Usually the revitalization complex appears up to 2.5 months. If he is absent, it is better to consult a neurologist for advice.