Spathiphyllum - signs and superstitions

Spathiphyllum is traditionally in florists and folk signs is considered a flower of female happiness. There are many signs and superstitions associated with it, which you need to know about before the spathiphyllum gets to your house.

Signs associated with spathiphyllum

One of the first signs that refer to the flower spathiphyllum , refer to the way it appears in the house. This flower is given to a woman only by a man, in this way it is possible to disclose all the properties attributed to this plant. The occasion for a gift can be any - birthday, International Women's Day, just a surprise. The only important thing is that a woman should take a flower from the hands of a man. If the woman herself bought a flower, then he must some time get accustomed and settle down in her house before she starts showing her qualities.

For a long time, there is the attribution that spathiphyllum gives women an attraction and charm, thanks to which they quickly find their own family happiness. Even psychologists agree with the statement that this plant favorably influences the mood and emotional sphere of women. A happy and joyful woman always attracts the attention of men.

One of the most important aspects of women's happiness is children. There is a sign, if blossomed spathiphyllum, then a joyous event is expected in the family - the birth of a long-awaited child. A beautiful healthy and well-groomed flower is also considered a symbol of a passionate relationship that will continue between spouses for many years after the wedding. And also promises to the family healthy and happy children.

By analogy with the spathiphyll flower of male happiness is an anthurium . Outwardly these plants are very similar, the difference consists in a small difference, concerning the shape and size of the leaves, and also the shade of flowers. Spathiphyllum blooms in large white flowers with a large elongated core, antirium-like colors of only bright red or crimson.

Do not be afraid of the omens that spathiphyllum is a muzhegon, that is, a flower that repels and repels men. This is not so in the category of such plants include hoya, monstera, ivy, heder, Chinese rose, diffenbachia.