What should a child know in 5 years?

The younger preschool age is underestimated by many, without paying due attention to the development of the child. And after all these children are very inquisitive and questions from them simply "are dumped", and absolutely on different subjects. It is at this age that babies begin to be interested in death and birth. Therefore, very often you can hear questions: "Where do the children come from?" Or "Why do people die?". Many parents, looking at their baby, often think about what a child should know at 5 and whether he is keeping up with his peers.

Mental development

Starting from this age, children have a feeling of pity and compassion. That's why, moms and dads can face the fact that returning from work in the evening, they will find houses of a homeless kitten. Parents should alert the development of a child in 5 years, if he does not show a sense of loneliness. The kid should understand the difference between when he is with the family, and when he is alone, and also express a sense of anxiety about this. In addition, he should be concerned about the actions of people or situations that can lead to death, both the child himself and others.

House and way of life

The kid needs to be told about the rules of finding a home and that his safety depends on how he performs them. A child of 4-5 years old should know that it is forbidden to open a door to strangers, leave open water, you can not use a stove, an iron and play with matches without permission and supervision of adults. In addition, the crumb should be taught to help around the house, and he should know that it is good to work. The kid can be assigned simple tasks: watering flowers, wiping dust, sweeping the floors and washing them, cleaning dirty dishes from the table, etc.

Preparation for school

At this age it is very important to deal with children and prepare them for school. More and more often, kids and their parents are faced with the fact that when they enter the first class they need a certain "baggage" of knowledge. So, what should a child of 5-6 years know in basic subjects:


Russian language:

Speech development:

Natural science:

And this is not all. Children of this age should be well developed fine motor skills, and they easily have to cut out scissors different shapes on the drawn lines, paint pictures without leaving the contours, draw simple objects, looking at them, and freely control the pressure on the pen, brush or pencil.

Physical education

Parents need to remember that in addition to mental development, do not forget about physical exertion. That it is necessary to know and be able to the child in 5 years to keep up with his peers is climbing on the gymnastic wall, jumping from a height of 20-30 cm, running for a minute and a half without stopping, to be able to jump on one leg, climb up and down on the stairs, throwing and catching the ball, etc.

So, the child's knowledge in 5 years should be very versatile. They can not be entered in certain frames, but there is a minimum that the kid should know and be able to.