Why were the children of the USSR different?

Each generation, in the opinion of older people, becomes increasingly ill-bred, unleashed, unprincipled. So it was always and at all times, for example parents were put: "When we were young, we did not allow ourselves this kind of thing!". But if we compare the current rising generation and children born in the USSR, we clearly see that they were different, but we do not understand why.

How did they bring up children in the USSR?

If we reject the ideology of the country of the Soviets, then the children were different, because the parents themselves were not the same as the current ones. In 99% of children were born in marriage, and not in free relationships , giving birth early in the 15-16 years was the height of impropriety, and this was correct.

Family values in the USSR were very important for all, without exception, children were taught respect for the elders, and the intergenerational relationship was very strong. People were happy with simple things - rest on the bank of the river with a tent, a new carpet on the wall, they ate simple and useful dishes without any frills and did not envy the wealth of neighbors or relatives.

Children were brought up by parents who did not have such global problems as the current ones, there was no such division of social strata, everyone had approximately the same level of prosperity, and since adults were happy and satisfied, the children also grew up in an atmosphere of positive.

Games and entertainment for children in the USSR

From the point of view of modern children, the entertainment of the Soviet younger generation was quite primitive, but this is no less interesting. They, as well as new-fangled toys, developed an outlook, fine motor skills, erudition, but did not require fabulous expenses.

Much attention was paid to mobile games, physical education, and therefore children grew hardy, strong and healthy. Most of the games were conducted outdoors, and they were mobile, unlike the modern ones, when almost all the games are concentrated in the computer and the tablet, and the child does not need to make efforts, or to look for a company for entertainment, because he has everything at hand.

The labor upbringing of children in the USSR was also very developed, and assistance to parents was never considered something out of the ordinary. Children went to labor camps "to potatoes", as a practice, and in such conditions they simply had no time to sit back. The common phrase "labor ennobles a person", speaks as much as possible of why the children were so different from the current ones.

How did the children in the USSR study?

There were no schools of early development at that time, but the main part of schoolchildren was able to get such knowledge that, being adults, they easily help solve problems already for their children. It was prestigious to study "excellent", and everyone aspired to be the best. But the descendants of the despised and even did not want to be friends with those, which was a good incentive for the latter to improve their academic performance.

Of course, we all wish the best to our children, and therefore, it is worth looking a little back and, perhaps, borrowing from Soviet times the best that has made children bred and happy.