Autumn fair in school - what to cook?

As a rule, in each educational institution in October-November the thematic school autumn fair is held, and mothers can not think long enough to cook delicious food for this holiday. After all, for children it is very important that they appreciate and buy their product. So let's look at some popular options.

The school is a place where children are safe, and this point also concerns nutrition. Therefore, all those culinary delights that Mum will prepare for the holiday-fair, should be safe for the children.

As a rule, all kinds of homemade cakes are used as goods at the fair, which is considered to be the most safe for children. But cream cakes, salads and other perishable food on such events do not bring.

What to bake at the autumn fair in school?

Autumn time is the harvesting time in the fields, in the gardens and orchards, that is all that has grown thanks to the work of man. This is what can become a clue to the inexperienced mother, who is lost in conjecture, what to cook and bring for the autumn fair at school.

  1. The very first thing that the children associate with the autumn season is the yellowed leaves on the trees. Because you can try to make colorful autumn leaves of mastic and decorate them, for example, muffins with raisins or any other stuffing.
  2. Autumn is a mushroom time. With the help of special shapes from short pastry, you can bake small butter mushrooms. To be realistic, they dipped their heads in melted chocolate, and with their feet in a poppy, depicting the earth.
  3. By the way, poppy is also grown by human hands, and why not use it as a filling in all sorts of rolls or outlandish pies, because it's tasty and useful.
  4. An unusual way you can bake the most simple pies with fruit filling , which in autumn can be cooked literally from everything that is collected in the garden or garden. Having placed small pies around a small open pie with a similar filling, we will get an unusual baked sunflower, which will certainly interest children.
  5. Well, what, the autumn fair does without the hazelnuts with condensed milk - the favorite delicacies of children since time immemorial. They are very simple, and if the child will help the mother with their preparation, he will certainly be very proud of himself.
  6. With the help of baking molds, you can cook a variety of cookies and small biscuits. Particularly fond of children is the self-made bear cubs of Barney , which are very easy to cook at home.
  7. To small children, to pupils of an elementary school, small little rabbits - inhabitants of an autumn wood will like. Make them will not be difficult even for the most inexperienced baking mother. In order to form such a rabbit, it is sufficient to roll a dough of round or elliptical shape, from above put ears and a wooden rod to make eyes.
  8. Autumn roses can flaunt not only in the garden, but also on the table during the fair-sale. They are made with the help of puff pastry and ham, which are laid on each other and curled in the form of a bud, and then baked.
  9. All children are crazy about pizza, and it can also be made as a treat for the autumn fair, using only a vegetable filling.

Now you have learned that interesting and unusual can be prepared for the autumn fair in a school for your children. Preparation of culinary masterpieces does not take much time, but it will give a lot of positive emotions to mom and baby, if he too will participate in the process.