How to lose weight in one day?

The question of how to lose weight in one day becomes incredibly sharp on the eve of the holidays. Of course, getting rid of fat mass for a day is impossible, but at least a little to release the hollow organs and expel excess fluid from the body can be - and this will give a small plumb bob, which is often enough to fasten the dress.

How fast to lose weight in a day?

If you really only have one day, and you need to somehow lose weight for it, use a hard diet option:

  1. Breakfast - Beijing cabbage unlimited, a glass of kefir, a glass of water.
  2. The second breakfast is a cucumber, a glass of water.
  3. Lunch - a salad of Peking cabbage and cucumber, a glass of water.
  4. Snack - kefir 1%, a glass of water.
  5. Dinner - kefir 1%, a glass of water.

In between meals, water is also worth drinking. However, after dinner, it is better not to use liquid, so that there is no swelling by the morning. The regime of the day to lose weight, you need to comply clearly - do not skip meals, play sports, as far as the situation allows.

The daily routine and sport to lose weight

On this day, try to move as much as possible. In the morning on an empty stomach arrange a 15-minute run - at least on the spot, though on the simulator, though around the house. In between meals, either run up the stairs, or jump with a rope for 10 minutes. This will speed up the metabolism and improve the result.

In the evening make a wrap - smear the body with honey mixed with cinnamon, wrap the food film in 4-5 layers and lie for 1.5-2 hours under a warm blanket. After that, remove the film, wash the compound and do not go anywhere, go to bed.

With this mode, you can lose about 2-3 kilos per day (depending on the initial composition), but do not count on the fact that this fat mass. It's just a liquid, and she'll be back soon. However, the next day you will actually be a little slimmer both in volume and weight.