Health-saving technologies in school

The environment every year increasingly undermines our organisms, adding more and more new diseases. In this regard, the question of health should always be in the first place. Unfortunately, our children have a lot more sores than we at their age, and even more than our parents at the same time. To at least somehow correct this statistics, schools use health-saving technologies. Let's talk about modern health-saving technologies used in the educational and training process in more detail.

What is included in health-saving technologies?

We will not give a complex scientific term that deciphers the concept of interest to us. Let's just say that health-saving technologies in lessons and in general in education are actions and measures that are aimed at preserving the health of the child while receiving education.

Health-saving technologies in the modern school differ slightly from the technologies used previously. The forms and techniques of health-saving technologies have become much larger, and they themselves have become more interesting.

  1. Increased motor activity. For us, it is not a secret that our children are less mobile and spend more time on computers. The lack of movement adversely affects the well-being. Muscle tension and fatigue accumulate, and efficiency decreases every day. Remember how in the elementary school physicists were held: "we wrote ...", "the wind blows in our face ...". If you teach your children to do such simple exercises, they will become less tired during the lessons.
  2. Aromatherapy. In modern schools, during the season of exacerbation of colds, in each class there is a saucer or a fragrance with fir oil. If in your school is not so, then talk to the administration, and suggest to adopt this method in their practice. After all, fir oil copes well with pathogenic microbes, which are always enough in a room where there are many people.
  3. Vitaminization. During the season, colds need to actively strengthen and nourish the children's body with vitamins.
  4. Massage. It can be like kneading the body with the help of massagers, and ordinary manual. An interesting tool is used in some schools - a massage mat for the feet. We all know that the feet have many nerve endings and points responsible for our well-being. At lessons it is quite possible to use such rugs, even self-made with a pebble, buttons and croups. From the lessons this method does not distract, but adds health.
  5. Furniture. Sitting, crouched behind the desk, oh how uncomfortable. Therefore, furniture in each class should be of different sizes, so that students can choose a suitable option for themselves.
  6. Comfort and psychological state of students. In a calm and pleasant atmosphere and is nice, and learns well. But the psychological state is an integral factor for maintaining health. Schools use technologies that direct children's energy and emotions in the right direction:

Now you know what health-saving technologies are aimed at. And if in the educational institution where your child spends most of his time, they are not being used, it is a very good way to think about either changing schools, or about holding a school-wide parent meeting and suggesting their application. After all, it is in school that basic habits are laid, including habits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. And, it is very foolish to give much of your attention only to gaining knowledge, in the pursuit of which one often forgets about health.