Menstruation cycle in girls

Sexual maturation of girls begins with the restructuring of the hormonal background in the body, and the main signs are the growth of the mammary glands, an increase in the pubic hair and axillary area. On average, after 2-2.5 years, the menarche begins - the first menstrual periods begin. From this moment it can be considered the beginning of the menstrual cycle in girls. This usually occurs at the age of 11-14 years and is a normal indicator of development.

When does the menstrual cycle stabilize in girls?

In adolescents, the cycle is not stable and can be either short (20 days) or too long (up to 45 days), the norm of the duration of menstruation itself is from 3 to 7 days, but here there can be individual deviations of 1-2 days. Such deviations at the very beginning of the menstrual cycle in girls are not dangerous, and are associated with the fact that progesterone is still not enough to cause the passage of the mucous membrane of the uterus in time, due to the fact that the endocrine system of a teenager is still in development.

Violation of the menstrual cycle in girls is considered too short menstruation 1 day or more 7-8 days, short cycle up to 14 days or its lengthening, for example, if the monthly come once in 3 months. Serious violation is also considered too painful menstruation in girls, which can lead to fainting, as well as its absence after menarche, or after several passed cycles ( amenorrhea ). Various factors can lead to these problems - from craniocerebral trauma to previous complications due to infectious or viral diseases. Also, when menstruation begins in girls and further development of the reproductive system, it is necessary to avoid sudden weight loss (fashion diets or bringing the body to anorexia). If such symptoms are found, the gynecologist should be contacted at once, because if these problems are triggered, irreversible processes may begin, which in the future may not be treated. Over time, in an adult woman, this can lead to infertility and other disorders in the body. If there is no cause for concern, then a cycle is established in girls from the first menstruation after 1.5-2 years.

Normally the duration of the menstrual cycle is 21 to 35 days, menstruation - 3 to 7 days, and blood loss during this period should be from 50 to 150 ml. Painful spasmodic sensations are also considered normal if they are not accompanied by fainting, vomiting, or severe weakness, and should be treated with simple analgesics, a warm water bottle or small physical exercises.