Sex of the child by the date of conception

Most pregnant modern women are looking forward to 12-15 weeks of pregnancy, so that on a planned ultrasound to know the sex of the future child. To the disappointment of many future mothers this is not always possible, because the baby can turn in such a way that the doctor can not see anything. In addition, a highly professional specialist is needed to determine the sex at this time. Therefore, pregnant women often resort to non-traditional methods and folk signs. The fact that alternative methods for determining the sex of a child have been preserved to date and are widely used indicates that they are quite reliable, because they were used for many years by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

One of the simplest methods is to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception. Even modern doctors do not argue with the fact that the moment of conception plays a very important role. At this time, certain features of the character of the future person are laid. Also, astrologers say that the location of the stars at that moment exerts a significant influence on the future personality. You can determine the sex of the child by the date of conception in the following ways.

The child's sex by ovulation

Male sperm retain their ability to fertilize the egg for 4 days of being in the body of a woman. In this case, the Y chromosomes that are responsible for the male sex live less than the X chromosomes that are responsible for the female sex. Fertilization is possible only on certain days of the menstrual cycle - during the release of a mature egg from the ovary. As a rule, this time falls on the middle of the menstrual cycle. Thus, pregnancy can lead to sexual intercourse, which occurred a few days before ovulation.

For the conception of a boy, a male Y chromosome is needed. Therefore, to determine the sex of the child by the date of conception, it is necessary to remember when there was ovulation and intimacy with the husband. If sex was directly on the day of ovulation or the day before it, then the probability of conception of a boy is great. If after ovulation, then girls.

This method, too, is widely used by couples who are only planning a pregnancy. It is important to accurately calculate the day of ovulation. For this, there are special tests. In addition, ovulation can be determined using ultrasound and a method of measuring basal temperature.

Determination of the sex of the child according to the month of conception

This method is ancient and reliable. For many centuries, women from different countries used the ancient Chinese table to determine the sex of the child by the month of conception. This table was compiled in the distant past and for a long time was kept in an ancient temple near modern Beijing.

To determine the sex of a child according to the ancient Chinese table, it is necessary to know the age of the woman at the time of conception and the month when conception occurred. According to ancient Chinese knowledge, the conception of a boy or girl is possible only in certain months of the year, depending on the age of the future mother.

Ancient Chinese sex table for the future child is very popular and its use is not difficult. In addition, on many sites there is a calendar of conception, allowing you to calculate the sex of the child. In special graphs, you must specify the age of the mother and the month of conception, and the program will give the result of who to wait for - a boy or a girl.

The astrological method of determining the sex of a child

American astrologers, after conducting a series of studies, came to the conclusion that it is possible to easily determine the sex of the child by the date of conception. To do this, you only need to know which of the signs of the zodiac was the moon at the time of conception. It is known that all twelve zodiacs are divided into male and female. If on the day of conception the Moon was in the female sign - most likely there will be a girl, if in the male - a boy.

Men's zodiac signs are Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius.

Female zodiac signs - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.