How does the child begin?

The birth of a baby has always remained a mystery to man. How does the child's birth take place? The appearance of a new life is preceded by a colossal work in the mother's body.

In order to understand this difficult issue, let's look at the child's birth by days.

The process of the child's birth

Conception becomes possible after the onset of ovulation, which, as a rule, occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. A mature egg leaves the ovary and begins its movement into the fallopian tube. Fertilization can occur within 3-7 days after ovulation. If during this period sexual intercourse occurs, spermatozoa after ejaculation for several hours begin to move along the female sexual path towards the egg. In order for fertilization to take place, he needs not only to reach the ovum, but also to overcome its shell.

Since the penetration and connection of the spermatozoon and the egg, the first day of conception begins. Male and female cells converge, forming a twelve-hour zygote - a unicellular embryo, which already has all the genetic information represented by a double set of chromosomes from the parents.

Further birth of a child in the womb is associated with the advancement of the zygote to the uterus. This process lasts from the third to the ninth day. Since the fallopian tube is covered with special cilia, this helps the zygote move.

Simultaneously with this, immediately after fertilization, blastogenesis begins - the embryo begins to divide. As a result, from a unicellular embryo becomes a multicellular (morula).

Approximately on the seventh day, it will again change its structure, gradually transforming into a blastocyst - an ideal condition for the successful introduction into the endometrium of the uterus.

Implantation into the uterine mucosa is the starting point for the development of further pregnancy. An active process of further development of the future fetus begins. The embryo receives all the necessary substances with maternal blood, which comes through the branched chorion (future placenta).

At the end of the second week, the phased formation of internal organs begins. And on the sixteenth day begins the second period in the development of the future baby - embryonic.

After examining the main stages of the child's birth, it can be confidently asserted that the emergence of a new life is a miracle that we will never cease to be surprised.