Strawberry - good and bad

It is the height of summer. The market appeared in abundance of berries. And, of course, the undisputed queen of July - a fresh garden strawberry! Well, what other berry can argue with her for beauty, delicate intoxicating aroma, and in size? Truly - Queen Victoria, as it used to be called!

By the way, just about the size ... It's not worth chasing the biggest import. Some berries such a "foreigner" can reach 150, and even 200 grams (!!!). Gigantism is always bad, and in the field of horticulture especially, and such specimens are good only for the museum of curiosities or the transfer of "Obvious-incredible" ... A competent customer will always prefer a native strawberry, so to speak, from a neighboring field or vegetable garden, though modest in size, but fresh, fragrant and without any GMOs and other modern tricks, allowing you to bring the goods as much from South America, and at the same time, without loss of external attractiveness.

And now, as sports commentators say, let's talk a little about the compositions, or rather about the composition of this miracle-berries. More precisely, about what will later help us determine the benefits and harm of strawberries.

Composition of strawberry

Our berry includes:

At the same time, there are practically no fats in its composition! Attention to our lovely ladies always looking for a combination of benefits and pleasure ... Dear women, who want to lose weight and yet do not deny themselves sweet - this berry is created by nature and human diligence for you! In 100 grams of strawberries, only 30 kcal. Perhaps, low energy value is the main benefit of strawberries for women who lose weight.

In what form do you use strawberries?

It is always advisable to consume strawberries in the most fresh form. Any treatment, except, of course, mandatory washing with clean cool water, will significantly reduce the benefits of its consumption, destroying fragile and vitamins necessary for us.

Fresh strawberries are good with cream, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese. It is not recommended strawberry sprinkled with sugar, firstly, the strawberry is sweet and without it, and secondly, the sugar ferments it slightly and thereby spoils a little, and thirdly - why do you need excess sugar, it is better when buying not too lazy to try a couple of berries for sweetness , and the sellers who do not allow it, it is better not to buy the goods ... apparently, they know about it that you do not have to know, and you will not open the "mystery" of a not very kind salesman only at home, getting something tough and sour, while voluntarily easing their wallet.

We always talked about the benefits of fresh berries, but, alas, strawberries are seasonal, and winter imports do not really want to be discussed during these summer days, so do not hesitate to do the harvesting now for the autumn-winter season. The benefits of dried strawberries are not much different from fresh berries, because in the process of drying, water leaves, and useful substances remain in the form of concentrate. A variety of jams, jams and compotes will please you in the dull off-season and in severe frosts. Of course, they are already of no use, but still it's better than nothing ...

Medicinal properties of strawberries

Fresh strawberries are also a medicine. It is recommended for diseases of the liver and kidneys, helps with constipation and anemia, anemia and Graves disease. It will perfectly help restore immunity to the postoperative patient, prevent illness in smokers and "Bacchus fans". Useful strawberries and in pregnancy - as a source of iron and a preventive remedy for anemia, as well as to combat the rather frequent problem of women "in pleasant expectation" - constipation.

Strawberry is a wonderful cosmetic. Masks from fresh berries will give youth and freshness of the face. Also, berries save freckles and acne.

Strawberry benefits and contraindications

At once it is necessary to make a reservation - strawberries have both benefits and contraindications. Berry can be a powerful allergen, so do not get carried away by the amount. And if you do not have a clear allergic reaction, it is still not recommended to eat more than 500 g per day. Strawberries are also contraindicated in people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, since it can increase acidity.