When to baptize a newborn?

In recent years, increasingly young parents are thinking about the churching of their child, but not many know when to baptize a newborn, and what basic rules must be observed. First of all, it is worth remembering that this is a sacred rite, and it is aimed not only at protecting the baby, but also at involving the child in the church, Orthodoxy. Therefore, it is necessary to take it seriously enough and prepare in advance for the sacrament.


Once you have decided on the temple, talk to the local priest in advance about the main points of the sacred action. He will tell you when it is better to baptize a newborn, what to wear and what to bring with him, will tell you about the procedure itself and its obligatory conditions. As a rule, clergymen are advised to perform the rite on the 40th day after the birth of the baby, since only after this period his mother can visit the temple: before him it is considered "unclean", and she is forbidden to participate in divine services. The sacrament of baptism can be held later, but it should be remembered that the younger a child, the easier it will be to transfer the ceremony of churching: firstly, it will be much easier for a crumb to hold on to hands because of low weight, and, secondly, babies, as a rule , sleep more and go more willingly to "strange" people in their arms. Many parents ask themselves: is it possible to baptize a child for Baptism or Christmas? Usually priests perform this rite on holidays, but it should be noted at once that there will be a lot of people in the temple on this day, so consider this decision well. And if your baby is also restless and often crying, it is better to still choose another day.

Important points

On the day of baptism in the temple you need to appear in advance to pass on the documents of the baby, pay with the clergy, and purchase candles. Children should be dressed in comfortable new clothes, for girls do not forget to grab a hat. Newborn babies are usually kept in the same diaper, but if the baby is baptized in the winter, you can wrap the baby in a diaper or towel. Although true believers maintain that in the temple the child is protected from everything by higher powers, including from cold and cold. Adults should also be dressed appropriately: women in skirts and shawls, and men without a headdress.

Seriously you need to take not only the choice of the date when you need to baptize a newborn, but also to the appointment of the godparents for the baby. These people will bear a great responsibility for the spiritual upbringing of the child. It should be remembered that the godparents should be over 12 years of age, and in no case be married. These people, who are now close to the baby, buy a cross and a shirt for him, which, after the ceremony, is carefully kept at home and, in case of a disease of crumbs, is applied to him, in order to alleviate his suffering.

When baptized, the child is given the name of the Holy One, whose day is celebrated, and he becomes the heavenly protector of the baby. But most often the clergyman chooses in the month of the month the memory of that Saint, with whom the baby wears the same name given by the parents. If the name, which the child is named, is not in the saints, then at the baptism the priest chooses the name closest to the sound. Therefore, it is considered favorable days for the child's baptism and the days of the angel.

Traditions and customs

In addition to the basic church rules, there are traditions supported by people for many years. On the day of the child's baptism, parents usually arrange a festive dinner, to which only the closest people are invited. One of the good people's recognitions is if the child cries at the time of baptism, and bad - if it sneezes. But in general the clergy do not support the aura of superstition and accept, created by people around this sacrament. So the myth that it is impossible to baptize a child in a leap year has successfully dispelled them. For Orthodox people there are no superstitions.

Finally, I want to remind you of the importance of this event in the life of the baby and his parents, so you need to take it with all seriousness and responsibility.