Sore throat - what to rinse?

Sore throat is not uncommon. It can begin in the winter or summer, due to hypothermia or the activity of pathogens. Regardless of the origin and form of the disease, when the throat hurts, it is advised to rinse something. This is a simple procedure, but very effective. It cleanses the mucous membrane, removes a part of the microbes and speeds up the healing process.

Than gargle at home, if it hurts?

In pharmacies today sells a large number of different drugs that effectively fight with various diseases of the throat. The most effective of them are:

Before you start gargling, which is very painful, you should read the instructions to make a suitable solution. Ideally, the proportions for each patient individually should be selected by a specialist.

Than it is still possible to gargle, when it hurts, - folk remedies

They are much easier to prepare and available. At the same time, people's funds are no worse than pharmacies:

  1. If there are no allergies to medicinal herbs, you can use any decoctions for rinsing. Excellent for treating the throat is suitable sage, calendula, eucalyptus, plantain, mallow flowers, elderberry, chamomile.
  2. Better than a pharmacy solution, a sore throat treats a homemade rinse with lemon juice. It should be diluted with warm boiled water in a proportion of 2: 3.
  3. As practice shows, probiotics are very cleansing the throat: Narine, Trilact, Normoflorin. They not only clean the mucous membrane, but also contribute to creating the necessary conditions for suppressing the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. That, in turn, leads to a speedy recovery.
  4. What else can gargle, when it hurts, is apple cider vinegar . To prepare the solution you will need a teaspoon of it and a glass of boiled water.
  5. When angina advise to make garlic gargles. To do this, prepare the infusion on a pair of medium-sized denticles.
  6. A very simple rinse with strong tea. Only use is not a packaged, but a loose drink. Otherwise, there will be no benefit. It is advisable to take green tea. Although black is also quite effective.
  7. Rapidly relieves pain from the solution of potassium permanganate. The manganese grains should be carefully grinded. And after the procedure, the throat should be oiled with sea buckthorn or any other vegetable oil.