How easier is it to treat life?

Psychologists do not tire of repeating: "The thoughts of a person are material." And if you think about the bad all the time, you can greatly complicate your existence. But to learn how to treat life easier and see in it mostly positive aspects, is not so simple. Although this task is quite possible for every person.

My motto is - look at the world easier!

But first, you need to define the boundaries of "forgiveness." What does it mean to "look at life in a simple way"? To become a nihilist? Go down to the vegetable existence, which includes satisfying simple needs? To cease to follow following to interfering to live moral and ethical norms and to go only on an occasion at the desires ? But just the other extreme - an occasion for new anxieties, stresses and sad reflections on the worthlessness of one's own personality .

It is easier to live - it means every day to find in it a reason for joy, which, in turn, will give strength to confront anxiety and stress. Any problem gets seriousness to the extent that we ourselves give it. But many of them, capable of causing panic over the influence of the emotional moment, in general, often "dissolve" by themselves. Therefore, to start living easier, you need to learn how to manage your emotions and thoughts.

How to learn to treat life easier?

Psychologists advise the solution of the problem, how to start easier to treat life, to combine with mastering the skills of positive thinking. To do this, you should:

  1. Stop complaining, trying to evoke sympathy. And all the surrounding people say that you are doing well, and, in the end, it will become true.
  2. Stop stopping to dig yourself - yes, you have flaws, because no one is perfect, but it's not worth dwelling on it at all. Concentrate on your own merits, often praise yourself, even mentally.
  3. Release grievances, do not keep evil, do not make plans for revenge.
  4. Be sure to get enough sleep, adopt a useful recommendation from the famous Scarlett O'Hara: "I'll think about it tomorrow" and remember the Russian proverb: "the morning of the night of the muddies." Postpone solving global issues for later, and for sure most of them will lose relevance over time.
  5. Be sure to have a variety of rest, shorten the practice of rest exclusively on the couch: more often go out into nature, go for a walk, go to the movies, go to exhibitions, attend social events, socialize with children.