Where does blueberry grow?

This berry is widespread in Russia and Ukraine. It is sold in abundance in supermarkets, but it is much more pleasant to collect it by yourself. But for this you need to know where the bilberry grows and when it's time to harvest it. About this and talk.

Where blueberries grow - the habitat in Russia and Ukraine

Blueberries grow in large numbers throughout the European territory of Russia, but more in Karelia, Pskov and Arkhangelsk regions. As for Ukraine, the most common berry in the Carpathians, Volyn, Ternopil, Zhytomyr, Sumy and Lviv regions, as well as in the north of the Kiev and Chernigov regions.

As bilberry grows in the forest, its cultivation is difficult. For full growth and development, the plant needs certain weather conditions. In the forests in these areas, these conditions are ideal. But it's unlikely that you will be able to grow blueberries in a summer cottage.

You need to search for berries in the forests and on the fringes, where the sun actively heats the earth. Basically, blueberries choose coniferous forests, but in the deciduous forests it can be found, although much less often.

Loves blueberries and marshlands. By the way, be careful - often in such places under the bush blueberries like to rest vipers. Also, do not forget about other precautions in the forest - kerchiefs and closed clothes to avoid bites of ticks .

To collect berries, you will have to bend and crouch all the time, as low bush of blueberry grow in Russia and Ukraine. They rarely grow above half a meter. Berries have a bluish-black color, sweet to taste with a slight sourness.

Time to collect blueberries

The time of ripening of the first berries of blueberries falls on the middle of July. However, in large quantities it ripens in August. Sometimes, if the year is yielded, harvesting continues until the middle of September.

About the benefits of blueberries

Blueberries are a powerful rejuvenator of the body. Regular use of it improves blood flow to the eyes, so that the tissue retina regenerates faster.

Blueberries are a rich source of anthocyanidins, the most powerful antioxidants. And the flavonoids that make up her make up the level of glutathione - the defender of the nervous system.

Only half a glass of blueberries a day prevents the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease. Also, blueberries reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and resists diseases of the heart. Here is such a magically useful berry!