White discharge in girls

Vaginal discharge or, in other words, leucorrhoea, it would seem, is a phenomenon characteristic of girls and women of childbearing age. But, it should be noted that sometimes this condition can occur in both newborn girls and girls in adolescence. However, important is the fact that white discharge in girls can be both physiological and pathological.

Why can a girl get a discharge?

Physiological white discharge can be observed in newborn girls, the appearance of which is due to the presence in the child's body of placental and maternal hormones received by the child during life in the womb of the mother. In the first days after birth, the child's organism is cleared of excess of female sex hormones, which is the reason for the appearance of vaginal discharge in the child. Normally, the selection in girls should be white or colorless, a mucous consistency, without an unpleasant odor and sometimes with admixtures of viscous thin filaments.

In addition, white discharge may appear in adolescence. This manifestation is explained by the change in the hormonal background and becomes cyclical in the girl after the development of the menstrual cycle.

Excess physiological discharge may be a consequence of various diseases or pathological conditions of the body. These include:

It should be noted that with physiological isolation, the child has no clear signs of inflammation of the urogenital tract. In the event that the abundant discharge in the girl is accompanied by pain or itching, have an admixture of blood, pus and an unpleasant smell, then this is a pathology, which is most often explained by the presence of vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vagina and external genitalia). Alkaline environment in the girl's vagina contains too little lactobacilli, which protect the sexual way from all kinds of infections. That is why to provoke this disease can any decrease in immunity as a result of any diseases.

How to treat white discharge in girls?

First of all, the girl needs to undergo gynecological examination and take the necessary tests. According to the results of bacterial sowing of the vaginal flora, the doctor will be able to determine the causes of inflammation and will prescribe an individual treatment that depends on the child's age, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. With white discharge in girls, treatment means taking antibiotics, as well as antifungal and antiviral drugs. In addition, sometimes prescribed local treatment, which consists in the introduction of anti-inflammatory ointments, as well as in the wrapping of the genital organs with infusions of medicinal herbs or antiseptic solutions. It is important, in the period treatment as often as possible to change the child bed and underwear. Depending on the causes of the disease, mechanical stimuli of the genital tract are eliminated (if any), allergens are excluded or a certain diet is prescribed. Sometimes, the disease can occur in the acute stage, where it is recommended to follow a constant bed rest.

So, white allocation in a child is not always a pathology. And as prevention it will be enough to exclude the child's contact with the carriers of viral and bacterial infections, and also observe the elementary rules of a healthy lifestyle!