Why cucumbers do not grow?

With proper observance of the agrotechnics of erecting cucumbers, you will be able to obtain a plentiful harvest. Many summer residents say that the most common reasons why cucumber seedlings do not grow are usually some typical beginner mistakes. Below we will look at these errors and learn how to avoid them.

What if the cucumber does not grow?

First, carefully review your beds and methods of working with seedlings. It is possible that you made one of the classic mistakes.

  1. In small plots where it is difficult to observe all the rules of crop rotation, it will not be possible to obtain an abundant crop every year on the same bed. The fact is that in any soil for a season various diseases and pests accumulate, which can completely ruin the whole work for the next two or three years. As a result, you can not understand why cucumbers blossom, but do not grow: the ovary appeared, but weak and twisted, and after a couple of days it was overcome by peronosporosis.
  2. A common reason why cucumber seedlings do not grow is a late transplant. The root system of the plant is very sensitive and adapts after a transplant for a long time. That is why it is desirable to transfer the seedlings to a permanent place no later than it reaches the age of 35 days.
  3. Young beginning summer residents try to do everything according to the book and adhere to the classical terms of seeding. After that, they can not understand why cucumbers do not grow, and the reason lies in too early planting time. Even in one lane every year to disembark start at different times. Cucumbers are very afraid of the cold, so it's better to start work only after the earth has warmed up for two weeks.
  4. The problem can be covered in too dense plantings. The more densely you plant plants, the more likely the disease is, the growth slows down a little. In this situation, you should always use trellises.
  5. There are different varieties of this culture. Some of them are self-pollinated, others need help from bees. You can not plant all species nearby, as a result, the yield will drop significantly, and the quality of the greenery will worsen.
  6. It happens that the gardener for a long time will not pay attention to planting and does not check them for the presence of diseases. As a result, cucumbers do not grow, and what to do is unclear. Never wait for a mass manifestation of the disease on the leaves (for example, the appearance of yellow spots ) and fruits. It is better to spray during the whole season according to the scheme: the first time spray on the first real leaflets, then a couple of weeks a second time and the third spraying is carried out immediately before flowering.
  7. Sometimes there is another picture: there are fruits, but they do not grow to their standard sizes. The reason why cucumbers do not grow is a rare harvest. The more often you tear off small fruits, the higher the yield. The fact is that a pair of overgrown fruits quite really stops the growth of the rest on the entire bush.

Cucumbers do not grow - how to feed?

One of the frequent mistakes is a complete rejection of fertilizers and other chemical preparations. It is clear that you want to keep your health and pamper yourself with clean vegetables, but without the high yields you will not get.

In addition, chemistry is simply necessary to protect plantings from diseases and pests. For example, root rot leads to a complete absence of ovaries with abundant flowering. Sometimes vascular diseases of plants lead to this.

If the cucumber seedlings do not grow, they need to give a push. For this, slurry is used. In addition, during the autumn digging, the foliage, grass and straw should be embedded in the soil. They also use something similar to a warm garden bed: all organic waste is digested in the pit, which is very popular with cucumbers.