Ribeye steak

The beef steak is a popular dish for all meat lovers, especially for men.

Ribeye steak some gourmets consider the best original product, from which the most delicious beef steaks are obtained.

In the world restaurant practice, rib steaks cut out from the thick edge carcasses of young bulls of a special breed, mainly grown in Japan, Australia and New Zealand. Bychkov fed special feeds and grown, following a certain system, due to which they receive "marble" meat. It should be noted that animals for obtaining "marble" beef are quite successfully grown in Kalmykia and other regions of the Russian Federation.

Tell you how to make a steak riba steak from a house.

About choosing meat for steak ribs

In itself, the name "riba" is in no way connected with the "marbling" of beef, but merely points to the place of the cut from the carcass. So if you could not find meat for the so-called "perfect marble" steaks, just find a good unfrozen meat cut from the thick edge of the carcass of a young bull. Nutritionists consider the meat of such animals grown in free pastures to be more useful than "marble", by the way, the usual beef has a more natural smell, some it even seems more delicious. The veins and fat should be white, the meat should have a fresh smell and not be weathered. The presence of a fine crust on the carcass indicates that it was stored in a refrigerator for several days, which is normal for steaks, they can be cut from carcass stored chilled in a suspended state for 3-4 weeks. Steamed meat for steak is not suitable, the carcass must be hung on a hook in the cool at least three days.

How to cook steak?

Rice steak can be prepared in 2 ways: classic, that is, fry in a frying pan, and dietary - bake in the oven.

How to fry a ribeye steak?

The recipe for making a rib steak can vary only in the ways of adding seasonings and in the degree of roasting meat. Some prefer to sprinkle with ground pepper and salt the entire surface of the steak, others only "powder" the edges. The degree of roasting depends on the taste preferences of the one who will eat the steak rice.

Ribeye steak - recipe

Professionals distinguish 7 degrees of steak roasting, but in conditions of home cooking, in order not to clog your head, it is enough to distinguish 3 degrees: weak, medium and full. The average degree of roasting is considered the best.

The time for roasting the steak from each side can be from 2-3 to 8 minutes. You can fry in a conventional frying pan or on a special pan - with a grooved bottom.



Well warm oil or fat in a frying pan while this occurs, we beat off the steak from both sides a little. Slightly prisalivayem steak (in the alternative, you can salt the already prepared steak) and fry with a coup to the desired degree. Ready to turn the steak riba on a plate, lightly pepper and make out greens. A little dried bread slice rubbed with garlic. We serve a steak with a glass of red table wine, fresh pomegranate or cherry juice, brewed in half with water.

Ribey steak in the oven - dietary recipe



We heat the baking tray a little and lubricate it with bacon. We lay out the steaks and bake in the oven for 40-50 minutes. You can bake in foil, the meat will turn more juicy. Serve with herbs, sauces and fresh vegetables. You can serve as a garnish green peas (canned), boiled string beans and / or potatoes.