Self-development of personality

Today you can see a lot of advertising trainings dedicated to personal self-development . And, it should be noted, these events are popular. Someone can say that people just go from the overabundance of free time to training, but this is hardly the case. In most cases, people simply try to satisfy their need for self-development, which is to a varying degree present in each of us. By the way, feeling the desire for a new one, it's not necessary to go to another lecture, it's possible to do yourself in the home.

Psychology of self-development of personality

Why constantly improve, especially if at this stage of life everything suits? The answer is simple - nothing is static, if development does not occur, the reverse process begins, that is, degradation. Psychology calms us a little, saying that self-development is a natural need of the individual, which requires its satisfaction. Another thing is that not everyone finds a way to realize their desires. Many people, mindful of the fact that self-development and self-realization are inextricably linked, spend time in search of ideal business solutions and ways to excel in the professional sphere. Such an approach leads to success, the career causes envy among colleagues, but gradually the sense of uselessness of all their actions begins to come, as the victories do not bring any more joy, and other people do not know how to make themselves happy.

There is another way - dedication to spiritual self-development. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with that, but the material world can be completely left behind except in the monastery. And in ordinary life, such excessive enthusiasm can not lead to anything good, as a person loses the ability to adapt in this world and often has to live in poverty, which is able to destroy the brightest thoughts.

Therefore, the most optimal is the way of self-development of the individual, which contributes to both spiritual and professional growth. To do this is not so easy, because one of the parties will constantly strive to "pull the blanket" on themselves. But the ability not to go to extremes and is the first step on the hard path of self-improvement.

Creative self-development

Communicating with a creative person, you can notice some special, non-standard view of things. Acquire the ability to look at the world under the same angle is not difficult, but why stamping? To be able to see something new in ordinary things, one must change one's worldview, and this is impossible without self-development, which, as we have already seen, must be complex. And for the process to be successful, follow the following rules.

  1. First, determine the scope of your activities and the range of interests that will not be related to your direct responsibilities. It is necessary for systematic work in the right direction, it is impossible to have all the knowledge of the world, so it is worth concentrating on what you really need.
  2. Do not focus only on professional interests, leave a place for a hobby, it will help to avoid routine and overstrain.
  3. Do not fence yourself completely off of information that you do not need from your work and is not your hobby , learn how to dose it.
  4. Meditate. You can read hundreds of good books, but do not make a single step forward. Learn to process any incoming information and draw your conclusions.
  5. Even if you are an ardent supporter of the theory of evolution, take the time to get acquainted with the basics of religious teachings. Do not think that you are already too aware of them - external manifestations do not always correspond to the essence.

Start work on yourself is never too late, just be ready for hard work, as well as habitual habits are difficult to change.