Saira - good and bad

Saira has been one of the most popular and affordable marine fish for many years. Canned saury is often eaten with garnish, added to salads or an ear. The more it will be pleasant to learn that this fish is also very useful.

Benefits and harms of saury

This sea fish is extremely rich in various vitamins.

  1. It contains B vitamins - important metabolic regulators that strengthen the nervous system and provide a normal level of hemoglobin.
  2. Saira is a source of nicotinic acid. This compound normalizes the level of cholesterol in the blood, improves microcirculation and helps to remove toxins from the body.
  3. What is more useful for saury is the presence in it of vitamin D, which promotes the absorption of calcium, helping to strengthen teeth and bones.
  4. This fish is a source of vitamin A, so its regular use will ensure an excellent condition of the skin and hair and good eyesight.

In addition, saury contains a whole range of mineral substances, among which iron, magnesium, calcium , potassium, phosphorus - vital elements for our body.

This fish is considered a dietary product. Caloric content of saury can be considered average, in 100 g contains 150 to 200 calories. The fact is that over time, the fish accumulates fat, so its energy value increases. Proteins and fats in the saury are approximately equal, and carbohydrates are absent, which makes it dietary.

Some are confused by the presence of a large amount of fat in this fish, but it contains extremely useful omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. They reduce the concentration of "bad" cholesterol in the blood and increase the number of "good" lipids, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in the brain cells.

Is harm from saury possible?

Useful properties of saury fish are so great, almost everyone can add it to their diet. However, you should follow certain precautions. When choosing fresh or frozen fish, pay attention to its color. Light yellowness indicates non-compliance with storage rules. On the carcass should not be mucus - this is a sign of the multiplication of bacteria. Fresh saury has hard bright red gills.

If we talk about the benefits and harm of canned saury, then you need to consider some points. Parts of fish in the jar should be tightly packed, and the liquid normally does not exceed 30% of the total content. Otherwise, before you a fake or just a low-quality product. With caution, saury should be consumed by people with liver and pancreas diseases because of its high fat content.