Why do you dream about the dirt under your feet?

Dreams are a phenomenon of an inexplicable nature, they come uncontrollably, without permission and our consent. But what we saw, one way or another, we try to decipher, to recognize the hints and signs of fate, because it is forewarned, therefore armed.

This material will help to understand, a harbinger of what can be seen dirt in a dream, and help to take the right life position and draw conclusions.

Why dream of going in the mud?

By itself, mud, in a dream and in real life, does not cause pleasant associations.

If in a dream you saw how you walk through the mud - be careful with harsh statements, thoughtless actions and frivolous decisions. Sleep threatens to lose credibility among a circle of friends, acquaintances and family, while, in fact, the cause will only be your actions, or vice versa inaction. Control yourself, stay calm, think twice what was said and done, otherwise you will not be in the most advantageous position and lose the circle of communication .

What does the dirt in the house dream about?

In the meaning of this dream, the opinions of the dream-pupils differ, the explanations are radically different from each other.

For example, the dream book on Nostradamus predicts that the dirt in the house means prosperity and wealth in it, the success of the family in the material sphere.

And modern dreamers say that success is not close, but reach with hard work and high dedication. Only by rolling up our sleeves and working tirelessly, we will be able to achieve positive changes in the money field.

Why do we have mud on our feet and dirty shoes?

Sleep in which you see your own feet in the mud, or shod in dirty shoes, that on the way to the planned there will be big obstacles, obstacles, life will make its corrections in the nearest plans and events.

Also, there is a high probability that you will be drawn into a conflict or a controversial situation, as a result of which and will be accused. Keep a cold mind, try to stick to a neutral position, do not react to provocative actions from the side, otherwise - the extreme will do you. Endurance and prudence will help to avoid unpleasant events, and their consequences.

Esotericism warns and pushes thoughts, do conclusions, and do not ignore the clues that come in dreams. Perhaps in reality you can avoid difficult situations and undesirable events.