How to dry the boletus?

Such a billet occupies much less space than all cans with pickled mushrooms , and the range of its application is much wider. Below we will tell you in detail about the methods of how to dry the boletus.

How to dry the boletus in the oven?

Typically, the mushroom season often comes with rain, so the ability to dry mushrooms in the sun is rare. Drying in the oven is a simple and common alternative to natural drying.

Before properly drying the boletus at home, mushrooms should be prepared accordingly. Prepare the mushrooms for drying is quite simple, they do not need to be washed, enough to sort out, and then clean any surface contamination with a brush or a wet wipe.

It is logical to assume that the smaller the mushrooms are cut, the less time it takes to dry them, so cut the mushrooms with small straws and lay them on a baking sheet so that the pieces do not touch each other. After, the baking tray with the boletus is placed in a preheated oven to 50 degrees and dried with the door open until the main part of the moisture evaporates. Next, the door can be closed, and the mushrooms dry at 60 degrees. Properly dried boletus boils do not emit moisture, but retain their flexibility.

How to dry mushrooms boletus at home?

If you managed to get on a sunny day, then drying the mushrooms will cause much less trouble. Small mushrooms can be planted on the line entirely, and large pre-divided into equal pieces. Planting pieces on the fishing line, they are left in the sun, in a well-ventilated place, covered with gauze, until the moisture is completely released.

How to dry the boletus in the electric dryer?

Many are wondering whether it is possible to dry the boletus in dryers . We will answer that this method is not only shown, but also provides the most uniform drying at minimum hassle.

Accelerate the drying process will help slicing prepared mushrooms on not thick slices. Next, the slices are spread on special pallets, trying to distribute the pieces so that they do not touch each other. We advise not to pile up all pallets at once, but only a couple or three, so the boletus will not be banned. After, the mushrooms are left at 60 degrees, check after 10 hours.