Seborrhea in children

Seborrhea in children - yellowish-brown crusts, covering, as a rule, the scalp. Over time, the crusts begin to peel off and easily separate from the baby's skin, resembling dandruff. They are also called gneiss or milk crusts. They appear in the vast majority of children older than three months and do not cause the crumbs any discomfort. The only unpleasant moment for parents is the untidy appearance of seborrhea in infants.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp in children: causes

The most common cause of the appearance of seborrhea in children is the presence in the body of the baby of the mother hormones, which cause increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Over time, their concentration decreases, the glands work normal and the crusts go by themselves.

Also, the cause of seborrhea can be genetics, if one of the parents of the child is allergic. In this case, the child may experience eczema - the appearance of seborrheic crusts behind the ears, in the armpits, under the diaper, the propensity to which will be manifested during life.

The question "Is seborrheic is contagious?" Can be safely given a negative answer, since it is caused by a fungus, which normally lives on the skin of every person and manifests itself in the form of an ailment only when the set of certain conditions: a decrease in immunity, hormonal and endocrine changes.

Seborrhea in children: treatment

Remove seborrheic crust from the baby's head in the following way:

If these measures did not help, the crusts appeared again or worse, skin inflammation (redness, appearance of pus), then you should see a doctor who will prescribe a special complex treatment consisting of drugs normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, calming the nervous system and a local antifungal agent containing topical corticosteroids.

Treatment of seborrhea folk remedies

In parallel with traditional treatment it is possible to use folk recipes for treating seborrhea:

  1. 50 g of onion husks are poured into two glasses of water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then the broth should be removed from the fire, leave to stand for an hour, drain. This infusion should be applied to the scalp several times a week.
  2. Mix 1 tablespoon of honey, castor oil and onion juice, add one egg yolk. Composition wipe in the skin, wrap your head with something warm, leave for 1.5-2 hours, and then rinse thoroughly.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 10 tablespoons of alcohol tincture of calendula. The mixture should be rubbed into the scalp several times a day.