Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity

In modern medicine there is a huge number of different methods of diagnosis and examination. Computer tomography of the abdominal cavity is one of them. This method is considered the most informative and accurate in its sub-species. Tomography allows you to establish the correct diagnosis, and accordingly, and prescribe the necessary treatment.

What is the tomography of the abdominal cavity?

With the help of tomography of the abdominal cavity, you can get an image of any internal organ. The received image clearly shows the structure of organs, their size, location. Therefore, various diseases or pathologies can not remain unnoticed simply. Computed tomography is probably the only method of investigation that allows early detection of a malignant tumor.

The huge advantage of computed tomography of the abdominal cavity is that this method of diagnosis remains quite affordable, but at the same time it is not inferior in efficiency to even the most modern technologies. The research principle consists in scanning the patient's body with X-rays, which are then carefully processed by programs.

Thanks to computed tomography of the abdominal cavity organs, the following information can be obtained:

  1. Research shows whether the organs are inflamed, whether pathological changes have occurred in them. If so, then how serious is the problem?
  2. Most often, CT scans are prescribed to identify oncology. The specialist will be able to obtain accurate information about the size of the tumor, the intensity of its development and the presence of metastases.
  3. Often the examination is performed by people suffering from problems with the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Tomography is mandatory for abdominal injuries and damage to the peritoneum.

Sometimes instead of the usual computed tomography of the abdominal cavity, they turn to the spiral method of investigation for help. The latter takes less time and exposes the patient to a smaller dose of radiation.

Studies assess the condition of all internal organs, which allows you to diagnose virtually any disease. Both ordinary and spiral tomography of the abdominal cavity are conducted with contrast - a special substance that helps to better examine the condition of the organs. Contrast liquid visually separates the organs among themselves, thereby simplifying the task of the specialist. Refuse the contrast is only when there are good reasons:

The amount of contrast is chosen individually for each patient. And do not worry: after a day the fluid exits the body without causing any harm.

Preparation for computed tomography of the abdominal cavity

Most diagnostic procedures for the abdominal cavity require preparation. This process is simple and does not require any special effort. Computed tomography is performed on an empty stomach. And a few days before the procedure it is desirable to adhere to a diet, Excluding all products that promote gassing.

The main stages of preparation for tomography of the abdominal cavity organs are as follows:

  1. For a couple of days before the examination, it is advisable to stop eating cabbage, sour-milk products, black bread and buns. For the result to be accurate, before tomography, in no case should you drink soda, kvass or beer.
  2. In the evening before the examination, it is necessary to clean the intestines with an enema or with any laxatives.
  3. On the day of tomography, you can easily have breakfast. It is advisable not to eat solid food.