Tank. urine culture in pregnancy

Bacteriological culture (tank culture) of urine during pregnancy is a laboratory type of research that helps identify the causative agent in the urogenital system of a woman. Such a study can also be done with a prophylactic goal, to establish hidden diseases and the likelihood of their development in the future.

How often is this analysis done during pregnancy?

Analysis of urine per tank. sowing during pregnancy is usually held twice: the first - when registering for pregnancy, the second - almost before the process of delivery, at 36 weeks. In those cases when in the general analysis of urine as a result, leukocytes or protein, a tank, were found. Sowing can also be carried out more often, in order to establish the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to prescribed antibacterial drugs.

In addition, in the case of treatment of urological infections, such a study is carried out a week after the abolition of prescribed antibacterial drugs.

What does the tank show during pregnancy. Urine culture?

Not always by means of the usual analysis of urine it is possible to establish the presence in the urogenital system of a woman of pathogenic microorganisms. So, according to statistics, approximately 6% of all pregnant women have such a violation as bacteriuria, and most often in the results of planting are found such pathogens as E. coli, enterococcus, Staphylococcus aureus, etc.

In case of untimely initiation of the therapeutic process, the infection can spread further along the urinary tract, ultimately affecting the kidneys, and leading to the development of pyelonephritis.

How to decipher the result of the tank. Urine culture during pregnancy?

To be engaged in an estimation of result of the analysis on a tank. Urine culture in pregnant women and compare it with the norm should only a doctor. In this type of study, the number of colony-forming bacteria is determined per 1 ml of urine (CFU / ml).

So in the norm, in the results of the tank. sowing of urine, carried out during pregnancy, the indicator should be less than 1000 cfu / ml. Such a woman is considered healthy. If the conclusion of the analysis indicates the value of CFU / ml in the range of 1000-100000, the result is considered doubtful. In this case, the test is repeated. If the concentration of pathogenic microorganisms in the urine exceeds 100,000 cfu / ml, then there is evidence of an infection in the genitourinary system.

Therefore, it is necessary to say that if the result is a tank. sowing urine during pregnancy shows the presence of a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, a woman is prescribed appropriate treatment, assuming the use of antibacterial agents.