Juice from cucumbers - good and bad

Cucumber juice is worth more serious attention than it is provided. Most people consider juice from cucumbers as ordinary water, but it has a pronounced benefit. The main thing is to know in what cases it can be used.

Benefit and harm of fresh cucumber juice

The main component of fresh cucumber juice is structured water, in which a large number of mineral components and other active substances are dissolved. These substances, of course, have a low concentration, but they are many: vitamins (A, B, E, C, PP, H), potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, organic acids, essential oils and others. Having drunk a cucumber juice, a person instantly enriches his blood with all these substances.

Useful cucumber juice for hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys. From edemas during pregnancy, the juice of a cucumber is considered one of the best means, because. he, unlike other diuretics, does not excrete potassium. Take this natural remedy and as a prevention of iodine deficiency. With jaundice and other liver diseases, cucumber juice cleans well the sick organs and blood.

With chronic constipation, cucumber juice can act as a soft laxative, not addictive. And with rheumatism and gout, it contributes to the removal of accumulated salts of uric acid. It helps cucumber juice and when coughing - in combination with honey it helps to bring out sputum. Another useful property of cucumber juice is the ability to improve the absorption of protein from food.

Harm cucumber juice can bring with excessive use. With urolithic and cholelithiasis, as well as with exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases (especially with increased acidity), this medication should be agreed with the doctor.

The benefits and harm of cucumber juice are clear, it remains to find out how to cook and take it. To prepare the juice should choose fresh elastic fruit. A bitter part of a vegetable can be cut, but with liver diseases, the bitter components of the "ass" bring additional benefit. Peeled cucumbers can be passed through a juicer or grate and squeeze.

With regard to the intake of cucumber juice, doctors are strongly advised to drink only freshly squeezed, because this drink very quickly spoils. And the useful components of the standing juice quickly evaporate. The usual therapeutic dose is 100 ml. In general, during the day you can drink up to 1 liter of cucumber juice.

Benefits of juice from cucumber and celery

Cucumber juice is a low-calorie product (less than 15 kcal per 100 g), which perfectly cleanses the intestines. Thanks to these qualities, he is in demand among those who want to lose weight. Take cucumber juice for this purpose in the morning on an empty stomach - 100 ml.

But much more valuable for weight loss cucumber juice will be if you add celery juice to it. The juice of this useful plant also has a rich composition, but in addition, squeezing of celery helps to reduce cholesterol, improves tone, improves metabolic processes, digestion and overall well-being.

The taste of celery juice in its pure form, like its stems, is very specific, "to the lover." To take it for a long time because of this little from whom it turns out. Adding cucumber juice "corrects" the taste of celery and makes weight loss therapy more pleasant.

To make a useful drink for losing weight, you need to mix 3-4 cucumber juice and 1-2 stalks of celery (you can take the roots). This drink can be drunk in this form or enriched with juice of one lemon and a small amount of honey. For the final "elimination" of the taste of celery, you can add mint or balm to the drink.

They drink a useful lemonade for weight loss from cucumber and celery in the morning on an empty stomach (1 glass), and also during the day.