Gailardia for many years, planting and care - secrets of growing at home

The original decoration of the site will be a long-haired gardening, planting and caring for which differ little from other flower crops. The plant is represented by various short and tall varieties. You can plant flowers in two ways.

Gaylardia - herbaceous plants for open ground

In the people this plant is called "the sun", and all because of its bright color. It is characterized by a long flowering, and in one place gaylard can grow about 4-5 years. The flower can be planted in mixborders , for flower beds, alpine hills and cottages . Main grades of gaylardia of many years:

  1. Beautiful. The height of the bush is 1.5 m. The petals of the flower are purple, and at the edges they are yellow. Flowering lasts all summer.
  2. Awned. High perennial with large inflorescences, which can be yellow or purple-yellow.
  3. Hybrid. Hybrid of the first two varieties, whose flowers are yellow and brown. The tall plant blooms for 2 months.
  4. Lancet. Perennial grows up to 60 cm in height. The stem is branched, and the inflorescence is yellow or red.

Gailardia perennial - cultivation

For reproduction, you can apply several methods, how to plant the seeds will be told below, but here we will talk about other options:

  1. Samosev. After flowering, you should leave a few testes on the bushes. Of these, seeds will subsequently pour out into the soil, which will rise next year. It is important to plant the germs of the perennial flower of gaylardia in a timely manner, planting and caring for which are based on a number of rules.
  2. Division of the bush. Dig out the flower and divide into several parts, in which the roots must be developed. After that, put them in prepared places.
  3. Cuttings. Hack the bush along the perimeter, and cut off the largest and most healthy part of the root. It should be divided into parts not less than 5-7 cm long. Plant them in a greenhouse for rooting.

Gailardia perennial - planting and care from seeds

For growing a plant, seeds can be planted directly into the ground, but it is worth doing when good weather sets. For growing gaylardii from seeds at home and on the street there are rules, and in the second case they are:

  1. Shallow furrows should be apart from each other at a distance of 20 cm. Plant the seeds and sprinkle them with earth using a rake.
  2. Water abundantly through the watering can. It is important that after this the crust is not formed from above.
  3. After a couple of weeks, sprout sprouts so that between the bushes it was 20-25 cm.

Planting gaylardii seeds on seedlings

Seedlings are easy to grow at home, so you can count on early flowering plants. For sowing gaylardia perennial for seedlings, follow the instructions:

  1. Prepared seeds are sent to a well-moistened soil and sprinkle them with a small amount of land.
  2. Close the container with film or glass. Necessary conditions for similarity: good lighting and temperature of 20-23 ° C.
  3. After 1-2 weeks, sprouts will be visible and then the pot should be moved to a place where the temperature is about 18-20 ° C. The ideal duration of daylight hours is 12-14 hours and do not forget to take care of it - timely watering. From direct rays of the sun, protect seedlings.
  4. After the appearance of the first pair of leaves, the sprouts are seeded in separate containers. Watering should be moderate, and spend it when the land dries.
  5. To begin gailardy perennial, planting and care should be carried out according to the rules, which state that it is better to plant good seedlings in the sun itself.
  6. The distance between the seedlings should be approximately 20-25 cm. After this, be sure to pour in the planting well and follow the rules.

When to plant gaylard for seedlings?

If you want to independently grow seeds at home, then you need to do it in March or early April. Planting gaylardii on sprouts can be carried out and in a greenhouse. Thanks to this, flowers can be obtained already this season. It is important to know at what time it is right to plant prepared seedlings, otherwise it will not take, and all efforts will be in vain. In the open ground annual plants need to be transplanted in May-June, but perennial - near the end of summer and then they will blossom next year.

Gaylard Care

There are certain rules that concern proper care:

  1. Watering should be done if there is no rain for a long time. It is important to loosen the soil and remove the weeds.
  2. For proper growth and abundant flowering of the flower gailardia, care includes the removal of wilted inflorescences.
  3. It is recommended three times a season (after the appearance of buds, during flowering and to cold weather) to carry out fertilizing with complex fertilizer.
  4. Every 4-5 years, make a transplant by dividing the bush.
  5. In order not to break the high gailardy of many years, planting and care means tying. You can use additional supports or stems of other plants.
  6. The perennial gaylardia is frost-resistant, so it tolerates the cold well, but experts recommend to provide additional care before the severe winter: cover the cropped bushes with foliage or lapnik.